>>13082452Nothing wrong with Netflix, there’s plenty of manly viewing there. Nothing wrong with a little down time playing video either. It only becomes a real problem when you dedicate too much of your time staring at the monitor and not pursuing other interests. I totally agree, he needs to incorporate a little exercise into that routine. Doesn’t have to manly like pummeling another guy to death but he definitely needs to include fitness, preferably outside, into his schedule.
What type of person is he: does he prefer going it alone or would he rather get together with friends? Maybe he could start with cycling, swimming, or working out at the gym? At minimum, a few mile hike or a mile and a half run. He could start a daily routine of push ups, sit ups, etc. if he only wants to invest a minimum amount of money. I was sort of quiet myself but I loved getting together with the guys just playing basketball as we all pretty much sucked at it- we still got a thorough work out a few times a week. Tennis isn’t bad if you have a free court nearby although you can get easily discouraged if you’re not seeing any improvement.
It’s great you want to get into your brothers life and get his ass off the couch but let’s be doing it for all the right reasons. You’re emphasis on the sport having to be “manly” rather than simply healthy, coupled with your specific dislike for his viewing habits suggests you’re more concerned about him turning gay rather than a need for exercise. That’s not how the gay works. Viewing habits don’t turn you gay, but rather, they reflect your tastes. If you’re already gay, you’ll watch what reflects you as a person.
If little brother turns out to be gay, sports and physical fitness are still very important regardless. If he’s just shy or self conscious, that’s ok too. Find a sport that he feels comfortable with where he can at least apply and challenge himself.