>>1308565>Fair enough, my only worry is the typical response of "b-but there's peaceful verses too!"A lot of the peaceful verses were from the time he was in Mecca. He and his small following was a very small minority thus preaching peace was a way to protect himself. The violent verses start when he left Mecca and went to Medina, it is also at this time that he gained a lot of followers. Turns out that being a plunderer/carriage raider is quite profitable and morally justified if it is approved by 'muh god'. The Quran says that if there is a verse that is contradictory to another the one that came first is abrogated.
2:106. Whatever a Verse (revelation) do We {Allah} abrogate or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Know you not that Allah is able to do all things?
The Quran is also not chronologically structured;
To confuse matters further, though the Quran was revealed to Muhammad sequentially over some twenty years’ time, it was not compiled in chronological order. When the Quran was finally collated into book form under Caliph Uthman, the suras were ordered from longest to shortest with no connection whatever to the order in which they were revealed or to their thematic content. In order to find out what the Quran says on a given topic, it is necessary to examine the other Islamic sources that give clues as to when in Muhammad’s lifetime the revelations occurred. Upon such examination, one discovers that the Meccan suras, revealed at a time when the Muslims were vulnerable, are generally benign; the later Medinan suras, revealed after Muhammad had made himself the head of an army, are bellicose.