>>13094340>preffer over your threadsnot judging because I prrffer my own threads due to easy archive search
>didn't studyno, it's quite the opoosite (well not really) I did study, there just wasn't enough time for all that to sit down and process, it's like eating enough food for your daily needs but not chew it at all
>uberchad into gilfshe will never be an omega, he will always that one guy that needs attention because he jerks it to grannies
>rosieI had qan0 and all it needed was just one n
>side topicI really have nowhere else to vent
it's really hard to buy properly sized condoms around here, I pretty much have to go to this one sex shop to stock up on 60 mm borderline xxl condoms because lelo hex honeycomb 58 mm ones (pretty much the largest you can just find in shops around here) are still a bit too tight, but the 60 mm ones do slip to some extend so I may aswell look into buying a cock ring to get two birds with one stone
but like the problem is I can't find any fun types in my size here- no glow in the dark ones, no ribbed ones, no benzocaine ones, no thin real feel ones, no nothing
and like I can't exactly say this to my friends because it will sound like bragging when in reality it's not really as impressive as it may sound but is in fact very inconvenient
rant over, I go study and shower