>>13102400Nordbro, it is a fact of racial differences. They cannot function in white society, so they need to destroy it and bring everyone and everything to subpar to third world conditions. Simple things like being on time for something, quality control, not littering, truancy for school. Blacks are self-obsessed and angry surrounded by things they cannot understand, therefore destroy it.
Slavery was the biggest mistake of the US, it was a choice of wealth over race. And that choice has been made by every white country I know of. However, blacks who were enslaved in the US lived better than their ancestors who were beaten and enslaved in Africa. Am I justifying slavery? No, but it is a fact. Or versus the Arab slavers who castrated them and brutally killed them in mass.
Our racial problem as whites is utilitarianism and capitalism which are contrary yet when applied universally outside of European nations becomes the hellish multiculturalism we are suffering under. Help and profit from the muds who cannot invent the wheel or learn how to wipe their ass with something other than their left hand. God speed.