This who think this is going to be 20-30 years from now.
No fucking way.
This ain't the 1930s or the 1960s. Gonna be way worse. Accelerate. Do not talk. Talking is counter revolutionary. Especially in bars or in groups of three or more. Let the useful idiots on the left and riot be autistic and play dungeons and dragons with law enforcement.
The cooler heads will prevail. Let us make sure the cooler heads belong to us. At all costs Any means necessary. Might is right.
Stay Strong. Stay Alive. Stay Vigilant.
Struggle. Survival. Security. Everything else is secondary, illusionary, or worse, possible cowardice.
Our people, our nation, thus our folk are at stake there is no higher cause no higher honor than to server one's own people. Especially our people, the Aryan people, we cannot afford to fail.
Do not try to 'red pill' or 'blue pill' people IRL, only agitation and provocative activities work, we've seen that, but do not be an idiot or a reckless/irresponsible jerk. Be wise, thank yourself and us later on brothers and sisters, think, calculate, act accordingly. Plan ahead.
Only focus your energy on saving close family members who you know are reliable, salvageable and your close nit kin. DO NOT ALLY WITH FELLOW TRAVELER TYPES EVER, JOHN BROWN TYPES WILL SHOOT YOU IN THE BACK FOR A SNICKERS BAR. See Camp of the Saints for further details.
Ordeal of Civility
A Serpents Walk