>>329820971Every fucking post from niggers in this thread is low quality. I mean at least when other races hate on each other they can at least come up with a bit of truth to what they say to make it at least entertaining. Provide some stats and such.
This entire thread is literally apes throwing shit at each other. BLACKS OWN WHITES, WE RULE EVERYTHING, WE WILL FUCK UR WOMEN, BBC x1000000. You blacks are so stupid you dont even realize you are just furthering the stereotype of your race being fuckign half-wit, low IQ idiots. Trolling people is funny and effective when you can come up with some REAL shit to back up what ur saying. Things like 13/52 or other nigger classics. They work because they are truths that the nigger community doesnt like, so it gets under their skin. You post that shit and u can trigger 100000 niggers every time. Its funny because when u post it, niggers go into overdrive mental gymnastics trying to explain it away, but then every time a cop kills a nigger, the suddenly forget how to look at things from different angles.
You fucking subhumans are not even evolved enough to troll well. 99% of the time I see you guys try to pull up stats, u misuse them because you have a grade 4 education and u end up proving the other sides point. You see how no one got triggered and its just 5-6 of u kike apes going back and forth? Its cuz u guys are fucking low IQ and cant comprehend that trolling is an art, not just writing BBC 1000 times. That only works on other low IQ niggers like you.