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!ySyF59VhvU ID:B48GgKrk No.13131404 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I am considering kms, but I've already failed lots of times (6 tries so far) with different methods.
Consider the following:
>27 yo male with gender identity disorder, schizophrenia, major depression and suicide thoughts everyday
>already know that doing the gender readequation couldn't work as well as I wanted to, as well as I should quit from my family's house to do this, so that would kill all the social contact I have currently
>4 years on therapy and psychiatrist, tried lots of methods to relieve my mental pain and a fuckton (something like 40 different kinds) of medications, and nothing works
>psychiatrist considering to indicate me to electroconvultiontherapy (which consists on eletrocutating my head while I'm on anesthesy), which can make me feel better or fuck everything up
>thinking shit about my body everyday and feeling a piece of shit because of that
>dealing with the gender stuff since 11 yo
>nothing makes me feel better (tried anime, vydia, hangout with friends, travel... nothing makes me feel relaxed)
>smoking 2 packs of cigar/day
>druging myself everyday to sleep for the most time as my body allows
I was considering to seek help from Dignitas to help me to kms with a successful and painless method. Do you know anything about them? Already searched their prices and I can afford it, but there's no guarantee that they would give me the green light.
Otherwise, I just want to end my suffering because of the mental diseases, lack of pleasure and gender stuff. Is there anyone else that can deal with these situations with bringing on an acceptable life?
I'm accepting any kind of help.