>>13143203What you're saying is kind of true except wealth mobility is happening in this country at an unprecedented rate. Think about how many people go to University these days and go to work in professional jobs earning a decent wage despite being from typically working class families. 40 years ago this was fucking unheard of yet now it's commonplace.
The unspoken class divide that you're talking about isn't necessarily an economic one, it's a cultural one too.
Chances are, even if you own a home worth a few million, have a decent job and come from a fairly well-to-do family, you're considered upper middle class in Britain whereas the rest of the world you'd be considered upper class.
To be Upper Class in Britain, you usually come from a long line of fairly important people, old-world wealth. You probably come from a certain part of the country, usually the countryside. Their wealth is typically more in assets, like property, land and art which they've inherited. Usually they look and sound a certain way too. The funny part too, is that Upper Middle class folks oftentimes have more money in the bank than the "Upper Classes" - hence why it's more cultural.
It's the same with working class folks, just look at any northern footballer that's made a lot of money and try and tell me that they're middle or upper class. They're working class, that's how people will always perceive them to be and that's their position in society, regardless of how many 00s are at the end of their bank account.