>>13145468Really depends on the town and the family.
I grew up in a really small town (600 people). My family on my mom side pretty much all lives in the same town. From my grandparents siblings down to my cousin's children. At least 50 people are directly blood related to me in my village.
They're all married to their high school sweetheart, no divorces, couple children each. A lot of them work in the family business my grandpa started.
Always ask each other favours. I spent my summers helping my cousin and her husband build their house, my uncle gifted me my first car.
I was always the weird one. I moved abroad at 18, was the only one to go to college, ended up marrying a foreigner.
They love me to death tho, I never felt excluded even if I'm weird and even my family of mutts is very loved by my very italian and insanely nuclear family.
I know we're the best case scenario tho, even with a fairly extended family and a decent amount of money involved they all like each other, never had issues even when inheritance came into play, and they were all supportive of me when I chose to leave.
My cousins actually spent their weekends doing lockdown renewing a house for me so I could spend the summer in Italy since I had a child and had no place to stay when I visited.