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God Loves you

No.13157662 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Repent! For the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! >Matthew 4:17

Sons and daughters of God how gleefully would you rejoice in the forgiveness of your sins and the return to your father?
How quickly would you turn away from the unfulfillment of this place and turn to God if you beleived yourself worthy?
Why is our path back to the father always blocked by guilt? I can't be good because twelve years ago...

Jesus spake a parable onto us about a son of a rich man, who fled his home with what his father gave his and wasted it on all the pleasures of this world. When seeing the shambles his life became he wished to crawl back to his father in shame! Declaring I am not fit to be called your son, please treat me as one of your servants. Though on his journey, his father saw him from a long ways off and ran to him, embraced and kissed his long lost son, calling his servants to clothe him in the best robe and through a feast for his return. For his son was dead, and has against all odds come back to life! >Luke 15:11-24
For if a Shepard loses one out of 99 sheep from his flock does he not abandon the 99 to find the one? And is he not happier with the one found sheep than the 99 never lost? >Luke 15:4-6

What if God doesn't care about everything wrong you've done in the past and just wants you to come home? What if your father sees you on your humble embarrassed and downtrodden path back to salvation WAY before you've reached it and falls on you with compassion? What if your father would accept you back into the fold with open arms? What if your father wad never angry and you've been lying to yourself the whole time? What if saying "Lord I have sinned and I don't want to sin please give me the strength to return to your Kingdom" would cause the Lord to rejoice!
What if the good news of Jesus Christ was true!