He is a mongoloid human, typical of his group in that he's high in positive and negative ethnocentrism. Being a world leader, he's primarily interested in attaining the most power and control possible during his short honey filled life.
This requires he control as many other people as possible. He's picked the low hanging fruit - other mongoloids - so now he has his eyes set on the rest of the world. As power is meaningless unless actually exercised over others not yet in your control, he is engaged in what all world leaders are: geopolitical power games, which from time to time, inevitably lead to war.
Further to the above, he's intent on seeking revenge against the anglosphere for the opium wars. Compounding that is envy, as separate from jealousy. Jealousy can be positive - it motivates you to attain that which you desire. But envy is negative and occurs when you can never attain what it is you desire. The continued existence of the object of envy is a constant reminder of your inferiority, so you must destroy it. For this reason, Xi is motivated to steal as much from the anglosphere as possible first, and then wipe it from the face of the Earth.
Just remember, Xi and extended family (the Chinese people) are unencumbered by pathological empathy for the outsider and nature. This, combined with their high negative and positive ethnocentrism, is what will give them the edge over the anglosphere this century. If they succeed though, they will be unable to maintain their civilisation, as they lack the genius and masculine spirit of the anglosphere required to maintain, what is, a pale imitation of Western life.
So that's who he is, and yes, you should be scared. I am.