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It's the year 2050, Islam is dying around the Muslim world and secularism is beginning to thrive. These changes have taken their toll on the meme country known as Pakistan where nothing brings the people together but Islam and "FUCK India". Pakistani elites are trying to find a new identity for the country but to no avail. Angry Pakistani youth, fueled with hate and identity crisis take over the country and defeat their army. They take over nuclear weapons and aim at Mecca, the root of 99.99% of evil in human history. They shoot and bomb the shit out of the black cube. The whole Muslim world shake and realize how they have been living in illusions. Muslims all over the world de-Arabize their selves and revert back to their original religions and identities. Brown girls are finally able to walk around naked just like nature intended. Inceldom rates fall down and the Middle-East become functioning again. MENAoids ally with the Greeks, Armenians and Russians against Turdey and purify it of cockroaches. They ally again with the Somails and the Iranians and conquer the Arabian peninsula, hanging all men and distributing the women as sex slaves all around the ex-Muslim world. The nightmare is over.