>>13168107>A LOT OF SCIENCE IS LITERALLY OCCULTISM.Yes. The social ordering is similar as well.
>STUDYING SHIT YOU CANT SEE.Bad reasoning. We were created with the capacity to recognize patterns and conduct free will. Seeking empowerment, and knowledge, is Sin.
>GRAVITY IS A LIE AND IS AN OCCULTIC CONCEPT.ehhhh... Definitely being lied to, and a false explanation is in it's place, for now.
>MATH IS NUMEROLOGYNumerology is math. Math is language. Language is a tool, and tools can be made into weapons. It has always been used for Good and Evil alike.
>CHEMISTRY IS ALCHEMY.Yes, yes it is. It is not inherintly Evil; but, the way it is presented and taught tempts or primes someone to 'darkness'.
>PHARMACEUTICALS ARE PHARMAKEIA.9001% correct. Pharmaceuticals can entirely be replaced by things found in nature, as proven by Science.
>EARTH IS FLAT AND A CREATED ENVIRONMENT.Flat? Schizo new-age alternative belief bullshit. Created and engineered environment though, absolutely.
>SPACE IS A LIE.Space is LIED ABOUT. The concept as we are taught it is largely incorrect.
>AIRPLANES RUN ON AIR.This is somehow 'esoteric'? The engines move AIR, the wings ride on AIR. Nothing crazy here.
>TREES ARE MAMMALS.They're not mammals. They and all vegetative life is far more intellegent and 'concious' than we give them credit for. The argument that Vegan is more humane or morally valid is disgusting.
>GOD IS REAL.Yup. Engineers and Scientists of many decades gone by used to notice these things.
>VIRUSES ARE THEORETICAL AS ARE GERMS. ITS CALLED GERM THEORY.Yup. It's way more complicated and way simplier all at once. Terrain theory does not deny physical microorganisms. Conversely, even mainstream science recognizes 'spontaneous' microbes.
>ALL ENERGY IS FREE.Yes, ish. There is some kind of exchange, doing work, between realities and/or infomational/aetherial planes.