>>13170044I have never been an atheist in my entire life. When I waned I was at worst an agnostic. If only in the sense that if god does exist then we were never truly meant to know who, what, or where he truly resides. We were meant to live our lives with free will. The choices we made determined our afterlife. This is world is Hell and the pain and suffering we have or inflict here is our penance or damnation. If were not worthy of heaven, then we are cast to return back to this hell.
As I grew older I found it near impossible to refute that. Now with what I know of the Jews, Freemasons, and the one world Satanist cult. I'm more questioning it that rational as time is going on and I see what they've done, are doing, and are planning to do.
>>13170045The tell me why does the pope allow priests to be homo sexuals? For them to pervert and outright lie about the scriptures. They literally held a gay fashion show in which the models wore Satanist regalia and symbols inside of a Catholic church.
And the pope, bishops, and priests allowed it to happen.
No, like it or not your faith has been corrupted like my birth faith did at conception. I am not saying you're faith is Satanic. That would be retarded. I am saying that the heads of these organizations are wolves leading their flock astray.