>>1317472We are all sons and daughters of Adam.
God created us to experience his perfect love with Him, and He gave us the world to rule over and maintain and commanded us to fill and subdue it.
God saw it right to give us free will, that we may fully love Him and each other.
We each have turned away from God and now are dead in sin, unnable to stand in God's holiness.
God, in His perfect justice and mercy, came to earth as one of us. He lived a perfect life and died for our sins that He might redeem us. This free gift was promised to all of us from the beginning.
To those who receive Christ there is no judgement, for His blood washes us clean. We are no longer slaves to sin but are free in Christ Jesus.
To those who do not, hell: the eternal and complete separation from God, is their destiny.
Salvation through Christ is the only way. It is a free gift. You need only to accept it.