the concept of God is the product of humans first developing the language centers of the brain. the resulting evolution which occurred after gaining that ability opened up an entirely new level of consciousness. one which allows you to speak to yourself in your mind, like you might be doing right now reading this. Humans could not grasp this voice was their own, and perceived it as a separate entity. Their attempts to explain this phenomenon manifested into the concept of God(s)
this didnt occur across the spectrum, but rather, in some and not others, some individuals began to subscribe to this concept of God(s). As more and more of these individuals began to express this feature they were able to discuss it amongst each other, and would eventually form religions. Because these people had an additional plane of consciousness they became smarter than those who lacked the ability. Naturally, the more evolved became leaders of their community, influential people. The people who lacked the ability looked to them for answers and followed. The religious leaders sought answers to life's great questions: what is the purpose, what happens when we die, etc.
As more and more of these evolved people were born they saw these established religions who had built up traditions, laws, and provided answers to many questions throughout previous lifetimes. Essentially, it served as a save function, so more and more of the 'enlightened' sprouted up, they continuously resumed the work of prior generations, constantly evolving human beings
Tens of thousands of years later and here we are: 80% of the population still don't even have that ability.
But even more concerning is people still follow the concept of God(s) that were created by man. Men worshipped the save point. And Jews raced to make their save point the default because their God recognizes them as superior to us goyim