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ID:wFTR1RLq No.13218921 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Reminder that amnesia, dementia, anesthesia, brain damage, etc. all clearly disprove the existence of any soul or afterlife. You are your brain matter and nothing more. When it dies, you can say goodbye to your ability to feel and comprehend anything forever. Reminder that billions of humans lived and died before sand niggers ever wrote the fucking bible. Why are christcucks such inbred retarded hicks? Your faith is just cowardly cope in the face of eternal nothingness.

Do retards go to heaven or hell? How about agent-oranged mutant babies? Do conjoined twins share a soul, and will they be separated in Heaven? How come aliens don’t have souls or go to Heaven when they die, even though they are intellectually superior to humans? Fucking DUMB SHITS. There is no fucking soul, and there is no fucking “afterlife.” Death is the end, forever.

There is no fucking god, there is no fucking soul, and there is no fucking afterlife. When sand niggers wrote the fucking bible, they believed the earth was flat and heaven was in the clouds. They didn’t know jack fucking shit about science or the universe or anything at all, really. But I’m sure everything else they wrote in the fucking bible was true and not complete fucking bullshit too, right??? You unbelievably stupid fucking cretin. FUCKING NECK YOURSELF.

You will never do anything ever again after you die. Reminder that you are only a few short decades away from never existing ever again. Never thinking, never feeling, never doing anything, ever again, for eternity. Let that sink in.

Reminder that after your brain dies, you will cease to exist forever. You will never see your parents again. You will never see your wife again. You will never see your children again. Only eternal darkness. Death is nothing like being asleep. Every night since you were born, you’ve had dreams. And then you woke up the next day. After you die, there will be no dreaming. And you will never wake up again.