Something like 27 states are now making the use of taxpayer funded services such as unemployment compensation contingent on registration with a company called Picrel is a line from the agreement you must sign before creating an account, and submitting all kinds of biometric data, so you can use the state services that you pay fore.
>Get fired for no vax>Apply for unemployment>"We can't approve your claim until you register with private company and create a complete biometric profile. To prevent fraud, of course.">Create account with> collects biometric data (pretty much everything)>picrel>Maybe possibly get approved for unemployment, but probably not because no vax>Police need information bout some shit that went down in DC on Jan 6 or some shit>Contact state of residence>Find out registered with> has all biometric data>Subpoena biometric data> hands it over>verify your presence during public visitation hours in a public building walking lazily inside route indicated by velvet rope>warrant for arrest is issued>ATF says you probably own guns because right wing extremist>no-knock raid warrant issued>all of this happens entirely without your knowledgeTL;DR:
>If you want unemployment compensation, you have to register with private company to give biometric data to "prevent fraud">agreement says they can submit biometric data to cops without your knowledge or consent>Basically, the state just bypassed the 4th, 5th, and 6th amendments completely, with zero red tape or challenge.