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don't let satan win

No.13251859 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
you have no idea the power you have.
meme magic being real isn't a meme.

you've manifested trump. you've manifested satan. you even memed the literal tranny janny into existence.

use you're powers to combat evil.

no other race can do what we can do. that's why they want us dead. that's why they want to corrupt us to their ways. because they know. they know we have the power.

you don't even realize you're in the end times of a holy war that's been raging for thousands of years. and you don't even realize yet that you are the soldiers.

choose wisely. choose to be an angel or a demon in this battle.

the npcs are just bystanders. we are the resistance. we ARE gods chosen.

I propose a new meme.
'I hate the Antichrist' is a good meme but it isn't enough. hate is a satanic emotion.

to defeat this entity we need the same passion that got trump elected.

shits about to get real. and you are the ones who will decide how it ends.

there IS going to be a new world order. there IS going to be a new normal.
it's up to us whether it's the NWO that the elites want, or if it's one that we want.

we need to meme a paradise on earth. one without evil. one without sin.
but first we need to send these demons to hell.

calling up you meme magicians.
here's a couple of rushed memes to get the ball rolling.