I am pretty sure I did get a new RIGHT TESTICLE ZAPPER in the last few weeks. I think as an obfuscation they set it off for the first time while I was doing kettlebell swings. Int he same way, they put a splinter of thick hair into this most recent brown mole on my leg to make it look like an ingrown hair for a few days before it turned into the same nasty mutilator's mark as these other ones. Also, I suddenly have more dots tattooed on the side of my scrotum. Even furthermore, this new sensation of constant internittent pain in my right testicle just flashed on as soon as Face's post appeared in the nobody thread. Certainly it is another new testicular torture implant, and these new red dots tattooed on the side of my scrotum are the commemoration. I don't care who says, "No," the answer is yes. I got a new torture implant in my right nut in the past few weeks. It's a fact.