Atheists believe in the only thing worse than believing in God...
When people quote Nietzsche detailing the death of God, most of them are leftists that never read too much into it, or couldn't figure out what it meant. Nietzsche lamented the Death of God, because without the philosophical cornerstone of Western Europe, they would fall to ruin, and now I'm watching the Olympics ban notes against men claiming they're women on the grounds it's "hate-speech" and thinking how much I want hijack the intercom of a full stadium as a trans-man beats the woman and say "DON'T YOU KNOW, MEN MAKE SUPERIOR WOMEN?" and watch as that statement undermines the complicit acquiescence of most Universities and Colleges and entire "knowledge hubs" like Jew York City
think of the parable "give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for the rest of his life" stating not to give in vanity but to expect something to be made of whomever is recipient to your goodwill, and let your goodwill make manifest lasting improvements, especially if from charity.
It's especially poignant when you consider atheists and leftists jerk-off to themselves on getting a social-welfare bill they're eventually going to bitch massively about, and from the perspective that they themselves have never contributed anything of any notable sacrifice of their own time to a cause of charity and gloat about supporting and voting in bill they were never apart of in the creation thereof, nor competent enough to hold the propositions to scrutiny and thus able to scrutinize what is being enacted.
They're basically walking self-fallatio machines.