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NSA anon here. Operation The Member Berries.

No.13272279 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was delegated here to deliver the following communique:

>Recently declassified TOP SECRET content:
Operation The Member Berries(TMB):
>In 1945 the 80lvl. gobmint shills decided to preemptively deboonk all of the future conspiracy theories as crazy made up schizoid BS.
>Via media the articles, rumors and news about the UFOs\Roswell and mind shocking anal probing were introduced to the public
>Then they ordered writers(Wilson, PKD, Bradbury, Heinlein etc) to write blogposts as thick as mah dick about all sorts of secret societies, conspiracies and happenings, so everyone would be talking about them as if there was some secret conspiracy by reptiles, robots, matrixes to take over and rule the world.
>They made a coupla movies so everyone would get used to this "conspiracy bullshit" as if it's purely for the movies and fiction books only.
>Then in the 90s they used their agents who would spread nonsense BS about Ayys, Secret Gobmint Bases, Time Travel, Bigfoot, etc.
As a result by the time it was 2001/9/11 - nobody for the exception of (yous) would have believed what the actual real conspiracy theorists, like NSA agents who were monitoring the real active conspiracies all this time, were saying.
Every normie in the world would be oblivious to the truth.
Normies fell for it and there's no saving them now.

As I've made it clear in my previous message - It's Operation Depopulation in progress(Prometheus Project)
95% of world population is going to die from the effects of the "covid19 vaxxine".
>If you are "vaxxed" - The protein PTPN22 level in your body will eventually increase to a point when your immune system will shut down causing death.
>That should happen sometimes before 2030.
>The NSA will duly instruct the select 5% of the population on what direction to take in order to make it to the final countdown.