[9 / 7 / ?]

21KiB, 350x232, Declaration_of_Independence_(1819),_by_John_Trumbull.jpg
>be George Washington
>second continental congress, philadelphia
>declaration of independence is being drafted
>the colonies will soon be free from british rule and be declared as an new nation
>while drafting, I suddenly get a strong urge to fuck anime boys who look feminine
>start fapping
>cum everywhere
>realize everyone is now staring at me
>realize I'm now gay
>second continental congress, philadelphia
>declaration of independence is being drafted
>the colonies will soon be free from british rule and be declared as an new nation
>while drafting, I suddenly get a strong urge to fuck anime boys who look feminine
>start fapping
>cum everywhere
>realize everyone is now staring at me
>realize I'm now gay