>>13295160>>13295169>>13295160Gungeon is good.
About to try out Darkest Dungeon.
Dark Souls, however, is the worst game ever made. Absolutely horrendous game design in every aspect. Artificial difficulty. Poor optimization. Poor controls. Bad camera. No story. Ridiculously bad level design. Unfinished mess.
This game should be laughed at not lauded. It should be used as an example of everything wrong in any given game.
>B-but those are features!Haha get real
>Git GudThis is the only thing anyone ever says to defend it. There are many difficult games which I enjoy. This, though, is less fun than sawing off your own arm.
Am I missing something? Is it just a bandwagon thing, people who fall for the "it's a masterpiece" before they even play it? Do people think it's some manhood thing with it's retarded artificial difficulty?
Eh...I don't really care.