exercise isn't for weight loss, exercise is for gaining muscle
to lose weight all you need to do is eat less or get a better/healthier/mixed diet, you can keep eating the same shit you currently eat but you need to reduce the portion size down so that you use more calories than you consume
unless you're already eating well you may need to eat more low calorie food, like salad, to stop feeling hungry, your stomach naturally stretches when you eat a lot of food regularly and it shrinks when you reduce your food intake so this means when you start reducing your food intake you'll feel hungry for a few weeks while your stomach adjusts
if you don't want to adjust your diet you'll need to exercise a *lot* and you'll need to do a lot of cardio like running/bicycling/swimming etc, even olympic athletes can bulk up and gain fat if they eat more
also start drinking waaaaaay more water, especially when you feel hungry, biggest mistake a lot of people make is confusing feeling hungry for feeling thirsty