>>13313261>Why did christianity demonise ancient european gods?different ideas on how societies order should play out
on the one hand, you have babylon, they seek to create man run organizational structures within closed systems, the builders seek to become the capstone within society and guide their societies according to the signs
the big one that most abrahamics hate is when lucifer falls he becomes satan (when the golden calf falls it becomes the ram) (when tarus falls it becomes ares) (when ra falls the kingdom is ruled by set) etc. etc.
The idea is that if these fucking larpeagans stopped going around trying to ''civilize'' the world with man made religion people wouldn't be killing each other everywhere... organized society they create comes at the expense of other people, this is why the christians go against them
Jesus wants a society where you don't worry about raising yourself up and don't take power by force or violence, instead be an EXAMPLE and let the TRUTH decide who rules... Let those who offer the most UTILITY to others gain exaltation, those who try to exault themselves should instead be brought low
It's about a society where the main focus should be on helping the least capable and most needy, the least well off first
this is the antithesis of the babylon system which is essentially ''how to manipulate stupid people into doing what you want them to do and socially insulating yourself in the process 101''
they use religion as a tool to manipulate people, take christianity for a second... if you read christ it was meant to be interpreted BY YOU!! not by a church, and yet you have these denominations claiming you will go to hell if you don't follow THEIR doctrines and ideas... READ what christ said yourself, there is a very specific reason why he spoke in parables and continuously said ''LET HIM WHO HAVE EARS TO HEAR, UNDERSTAND!''
it is meant for YOU to understand according to your sense of what is true... that's the whole point...