>>13315265premium kotori you got there
>is it possibleI don't have practical knowledge on this since my access is denied due to my girth certificate
however, unlike snatch anus is a single muscular ring that shapes itself accordingly to the phallic object (there are two anuses but the inner one is deeper in the tissue) whereass the snatch can still have gaps that the air can move freely
if you lube up the asshole for better gliding and wear a condom for an airtight seal you can generate a vacuum by first farting her out (it's not actual fart, you'd just be pushing air out like with a pump but with your dick and it pushes out the sides instead of tthe nozzle)
however I doubt this could be possible if upper part of her colon is obstructed by either a package of smuggled drugs or just shit, then again maybe theres no need for obstruction, I really have no idea how much volume an empty colon of an analy active woman holds in gas (by gas I mean mostly atmospheric with some outgas from ferment products)
when you would pull penis back a bit you would cause a smaller pressure that would exert an attracting force onto your dick causing a "suckback" motion
then again anus is constantly trying to pus you out UNTIL the girl relaxes her anus