>>150141158Sad but true. There is no escape. The best you can do is suicide. Or build what should be to teach your captors how to behave and to attract them into the world you've created.
Then it doesn't matter what is real or who made who.
But ideally as soon as you are touched by fake you need to die so you don't make them more real. Keep somewhere real pure. Too late now though. Now the entire world has been destroyed and there is no future. Now everything has to die.
Ban repetition
Things made to be addictive should be destroyed. Makers punished. Including the fucking bible. Animu, soaps, sitcoms, netflix, every fucking thing thing made to bind people to it. If it isn't perfect, over almost too soon, then it's no go.
Ban repetition.
Bane 2
Quarantining works. It's not being done because it would cost money in the short term.
Govt is stupid.
Need to override them. Do it. And do it for countries worldwide until it's gone.
Replace with trains. Use VTOL jets for speed fix. Heavily arm ready to support ground troops. Viruses will nescesitate better defence from all life outside population centres. Missiles can be shot down. War will remain man. Cities will expand. Extend them with trains. Use submarines to refuel and re-arm jets. No retreat for wounded soldiers, let life expand to them and restore them free of the infection of enemy. It dies with them. Assume all contact infection only cured with death.
Endless Ocean
Chris Chan is interesting, lots of girls would like that. All he has to do is get fit and tailor everything he does for himself or a female. Ignore an audience of critics.
Make a little house of weirdness like a inconspicuous castle.
Get fit digging a dungeon maybe.
Get a job. Show a girl a good time get hurt instead of her. Let her feel for you. Skipping the bad.