Demolition Man 2:
Simon Phoenix is too cool for school stuck in cocksucker school, knitting some nigger tying to make him quilt some shit. Drugfucked as crawls out V style of a zombie assembly shithole. Say hello to a taxi, regular car but's a taxi, green hair says so. Let the driver have some excitement as passenger. Like storing the memory in something.
Cop roadblock accelerate and bail, run away. World moving in circles as he stumbles in a straight line.
John Notlundgren the viet cong taliban loving cocksucker called up from knitting comand centre to put down freedom using the power of seashells.
Anticlimax as Simon says no and blows his head some holes to help collect the shit. One for each shell.
Unopposed the Phoenix rizes razes the sterile shithole reality. Amusing himself non stop others following suit, enough and sleep in dreams,. with American Sniper motherfucker.