>>13343808'Jewish' as it was at Jesus time is ethnically traced to Edomites, descendants of Esau, not Jacob/Israel. Jealousy over ancestral lost birthright and all, edomites were mostly successful at supplanting power and the nation of Israel after being sold into slavery. After release and eventual return to Southern Israel they found the edomites large and in charge. Decidedly stealing what was regretfully sold by their forefather. Jews/pharisee/ruling class were pure edomites, rules for thee not for me, outward shows of grandiose 'faith', and works based salvation lovers. Israel suffered under their rule, and Christ came to show the path of the edomite is the path of the evil one. To pretend. To feign. To regret, to excuse build, to story build, to profit in lies. To exert power over another for power sake, instead of love for the Father's sake. When Christ's perfect life and sacrifice bridged all gulfs, the new covenant between all and God directly was struck. This means no divide between clean and unclean, saved and unsaved, jew and gentile. This means any can be gentile, and any can be jew. There is no divide any further. It is not an ethnic disposition towards evil. He has shown us it is a human disposition towards evil. And as sinister as the edomites were, as sinister as nazis and commies and moaists and hutus and islamists and rapists and murderers and thieves and liars and cheaters are, so is each one of us, should we choose. Do you chose of existence, or of the eternal? This determines the synagogue you attend.