[39 / 15 / ?]
LARPagans literally do not even know what they believe. Their worldview doesn't make sense logically. They have no structure to their comic book 'religion'. At least once every two weeks there's a Christian hate thread or pagan cringe thread that gets raided by LARPagans claiming that Christians are cucks and shills
The argument is basically
>Christians would rather their daughter marry a black Christian guy than a white nordic heathen
>Christians care more about their faith than their race
>Christians replaced European culture with Christian culture
>Christians are anti-white and anti-Europe
Not only is this retarded and untrue, but it makes NO sense. Let's humour the pagans' comic book beliefs for a minute to explain why:
If Odin is the all father then he created everything. Odin is the father of every man and the creator of every land in the midgard (the world) that means Odin created black people and is their father too. So, why would Odin hate some of the men he created? And why would he favour Northern Europeans out of everyone in the world and treat them like his chosen people? That is literally the same "WE WUZ GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE GOYIM!!" bullshit that Jews try and pull. Why would Odin care what races mixed or lived together as long as they were good, honest men? Roman pagans literally accepted everyone born in Rome into their army regardless of race, but Germanic pagans keep saying the opposite as a cope to use against Christians.
The one true God loves all of his children, and accepts everyone willing to repeant. That actually makes sense considering he is the true creator of this world and everyone in it and not just a LARP for blonde teenagers. Ask a pagan any of these questions and they just shut down and start posting videos of heritics like we don't hate them just as much. They have no argument.
The argument is basically
>Christians would rather their daughter marry a black Christian guy than a white nordic heathen
>Christians care more about their faith than their race
>Christians replaced European culture with Christian culture
>Christians are anti-white and anti-Europe
Not only is this retarded and untrue, but it makes NO sense. Let's humour the pagans' comic book beliefs for a minute to explain why:
If Odin is the all father then he created everything. Odin is the father of every man and the creator of every land in the midgard (the world) that means Odin created black people and is their father too. So, why would Odin hate some of the men he created? And why would he favour Northern Europeans out of everyone in the world and treat them like his chosen people? That is literally the same "WE WUZ GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE GOYIM!!" bullshit that Jews try and pull. Why would Odin care what races mixed or lived together as long as they were good, honest men? Roman pagans literally accepted everyone born in Rome into their army regardless of race, but Germanic pagans keep saying the opposite as a cope to use against Christians.
The one true God loves all of his children, and accepts everyone willing to repeant. That actually makes sense considering he is the true creator of this world and everyone in it and not just a LARP for blonde teenagers. Ask a pagan any of these questions and they just shut down and start posting videos of heritics like we don't hate them just as much. They have no argument.