Maybe I'm just getting old but there was this shift in mentality online surrounding insults and what constituted a "failure of a person".
At some point it seems that all the healthy things like a social life, building a family and having a healthy sense of self became derogatory terms used to insult each other.
>You've got a family and kids? Lolololol look at that loser!
>You got a nice job? Lolololol faggot ass wagie go waste your life loser!
>You got a hot bitch? Loloolooolol simp cuck I bet she rides black dick loser!
It's almost as if everybody just wants to be a bunch of depressed incels whining about life. That nothing you do will ever bring you happiness and that's the worlds fault instead of your own.
When did being successful become an insult?
Are we not supposed to be healthy people?
This sounds like some Jew gaslighting shit and I'm now inclined to believe that the only "people" who could be perpetuating this garbage would have to be kikes.
OP is one of them. Don't let the flags fool you.