>>13381283>>13381290you are retards to believe any of this.
first, the picture does not show there's graphene oxide in the vaccine. it doesn't even qualify to be looked at as proof for anything.
second, >DNA binding to GO
>>13381270 is a bunch of bullshit. what would DNA in the cell even do? you'd need to not be eaten by DNA eating proteins which are in every cell by the millions, reach the nucleus of the cell which is blocked by a separate membranes, then you would need to insert it for which you have no proteins because you'd need specialized primers, and then your body would need to not recognize the different DNA through its repair mechanisms, and then and only then you have MAY a problem. your DNA is full of virus DNA already and you're still not a virus
and even if you think that source is credible, it said right there
>GO (GRAPHENE OXIDE) nanosheets show very low cytotoxicity>VERY LOW CYTOTOXICITYbut it literally kills you with 5G radiation and gene manipulation within 3 years, right?
here's the truth: polar sides of any molecule including graphene oxide conduct hydrogen bonds and van der waals bonds with DNA. literally any molecule with those properties does this. they have found no way of getting the DNA anywhere beyond that point and they have not found a way to keep the DNA in one piece.
no, they haven't even done that, they have just found out that DNA sticks to polar sides of a molecule, like it does with millions of others.
to explain it in words that you understand: they have found out that if you stick a piece of flex tape on a rock, the rock can be used to be thrown inside a window. if the flex tape has "kill yourself" written on it, what do you in the house do? are you gonna kill yourself?