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Grug wants to tribe again

ID:hq93wsNa No.13384264 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>be Grug
>21 summers old
>live in concrete jungle
>grug used to get along with other grugs and gruggetes, me very social
>big coof made al grugs run and hide into their caves, grug didnt felt different at first
>long time after big coof appears, grugs are finally getting out of cave
>grug also made peace with big man in sky
>grug also is now part of big man's school
>grug's life seem good, may find grugette anytime soon
>grug goes back to interacting with village, but grug feels different
>grug loves warmth of friendship and socialization, but no easy speaking like me used to
>now grug doesnt have same swish-swoosh in throat noise
>what grug do to go back to normal, me used to be confident and me feel like lower caste
>grug is fine, very happy, but wants to blend in with village again