It’s because every single retarded race mixing shill, for and against, completely cherrypicks their women. It’s literally JAV stars or dysgenics, pop idols or poverty stricken trash. If we just look at average, healthy people of every race, an average, healthy white woman is more attractive. There are more of them than most races, with Asians as the exception. Asians tend to be less obese, but the majority still fall in the middle of their bell curve for looks. Your based Asian waifu or your tradcat Latina will be somewhere between a 4 and a 6, the former probably more attractive than the latter. But the idea that you can date up looks and attitude wise by “dating down” racially is silly. You will probably get the partner you deserve, because there’s more truth to “birds of a feather stick together” than “opposites attract”, which is actually a tenet of satanism. Racemixing isn’t based or cringe, it’s just another layer to people of similar social stature flocking together as in any environment. I promise you it wasn’t the Portuguese noblemen marrying Poos in Goa or the Hidalgos marrying Indios in Mexico.
>>13403067>Full Asian but adopted by white familySo that one plebbitor is just an ungrateful fuck? Got it.