>>13404146 >which say they are Jews, and are not so, christcucks?
>>13404147 I bet you're an impressive specimen of the Aryan race, Wang.
>>13404147 Dude... dudee... dudeee. Stop eating pets.
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>>13404146 >revelation 3:9 without revelation 2:9 >I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. Anonymous
>>13404146 >>13404146 >What does this verse say? It is teaching us that Jews who reject Jesus Christ will become Satan's congregation. Think of the implications of this. Revelation is teaching Christians that all Jews practicing Judaism are of the devil and that they will be made our slaves in order to witness to God's love of mankind. Pretty big reach desu...
Peter 2:10
But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.
I would assume he was talking specifically about the heads of churches/synagogues/temples who take up priest-ship not to practise the faith but for position and instead practise the pagan traditions of old in secret.
''those who say they are jews but are not''
>>13404146 >"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. Anonymous
>>13404146 >>13404153 There is a distinct difference between kissing feet and washing them, isn't there?
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>>13404146 Good Jew worship God, they are god chosen people. Your true enemy is anime and art, they create trannies pedo faggots. Jew are just their victim.
#BanAnime #GasTheWeeb.
>>13404146 Then Jesus came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. As was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath. And when He stood up to read, the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. Unrolling it, He found the place where it was written: " The Spirit of the Lord is on Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good news to the poor…
-Gospel of Luke (4:16-24)
>As was His custom >He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath. lmao, praying to a Jew. Let me guess, everything of European origin is gay and cringe and everything middle eastern is b-based and red pilled. Anonymous
>>13404146 Have you forgiven your mother?
Any male with Hatred is a child of the lie and a weak beta. Hatred inverts a person's nature and turns female to male and male to female.
Hatred demoralised a person and a person with no morals that does not love God and is spiritually reborn in the image of his father, is easily deceived, emotional, a liar, and has no logic - just like a female.
All must forgive their mother, and return to and forgive their father. (((They))) don't want you know this.
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>>13404159 You and JLP have the story backwards though. Rejection of god leads to hatred.
Rejection of your nature (male or female) leads to hatred and resentment towards yourself and towards humanity.
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>>13404146 its apocalypse 2:9 in the real English bible (douay rheims)
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>>13404146 >the book written by Phoenician Jews disproves your weak talking point about Christianity being a Phoenician Jewish trick Does it
>>13404158 >lmao, praying to a Jew. Let me guess, everything of European origin is gay and cringe and everything middle eastern is b-based and red pilled. would you suggest we return to our ''roots'' and embrace the paganism passed down from the babylonians on to the macedonians and spread through their empire to the hyperborean preist class in gaul?
shall we start worshipping war? kill people for no good reason but to honour the gods, fuck each other in the ass for meditation rituals to gain knowledge, go back to burning people alive in large groups in wooden wicker man statues to ask for higher states of understanding from the gods? shall we allow the preist class to practise orgies with our wives weeks before marriage to ''consecrate'' the holy union? shall we encourage promiscuity in society and elect a priestess class to prostitute themselves in the name of the faith? shall we have a sect of the preist class dress as women and promote androgyny and homosexuality to honour the goddess of war and sex?
ohh wait... we're already starting to move in this direction because secret larpagans run the world and want to bring it back...
the jews were the original heros of society, they destroyed pagan faggoty and wrote the first book on anti-degeneracy but then became corrupted by those same pagans they subjugated... you can see the exact shift for when things went bad... peganism is at the root, always larpegans playing pretend abrahmics doing attrocities in their name to try to frame them in the hopes that one day they can grow their faggotree back in the open again
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>>13404146 The bible was written by jews. You know jews realized goyim hated them even back then, right?
>>13404155 Jesus didn't rise from the dead. He did not turn water into wine. Mary wasn't a virgin. Moses didn't turn a snake into a staff. Etc etc etc
The whole premise of your cult is pure retardation so you have to spend your entire life pouring over jewish legal tomes in an attempt to rationalize it.
>>13404166 >the jews were the original heros of society The christcuck shows his final form
>>13404169 They're new angle is claiming whites are actually jews.
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>>13404168 You take offense to the word "shill"? What a coincidence.
>>13404168 Jews deny Christ you fucking mental 10 year old.
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>>13404169 >uhoh he called me out for peganism being pure faggotry, and being what lead to ''jews'' who practise it being labelled ''evil'' in the first place, better deflect to ad-hominem uhhh... ok
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>>13404146 >some tricked monk's insert is evidence of there's no trickery Yeah, right
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>>13404170 >''their'' this is literally a larpegan larp meme, it's called ''british zionism'' and was inventred by the same pegan faggots who planned ww2 and invented israel in the first place
>>13404146 John ate a little scroll in order to write Revelations. The little scroll was a mushroom. The mushrooms break the conditioning and let you see the matrix
Jew posting shit about Christianity. You know why? Because CHRIST IS KING. And they killed him. But he never died.
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>>13404146 >muh jew book proves muh jew book braindead
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>>13404147 The insectoid kike fears Jesus.
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>>13404148 >>13404149 >dishonest diversion typical christcuck approach
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>>13404146 Collection of Dissenters = Synagogue of Satan
Christianity is the Second Rabbinical Temple of Judaism..
It was a purity spiral of ancient Judaism.
The Christianity you praise today is a consequence of that.
To Jews you are cattle. Just as to Paulician and Lutheran Jews, those who are not one of them are Satan (Those who dissent/disagree)
Bump Lets allow more seething pagans see this
>>13404166 >shall we start worshipping war? That would be a big improvement
>>13404184 >seething pagans are you retarded?
satanism is an abrahamic religion, it is not paganism
it is built on the same jewish heritage and mythos as christianity, judaism, and islam
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>>13404146 >dont trust the bad jews goy trust the good jews lmao @ ur lyf
>>13404146 Sheeit, I got fact-checked by the bible. How will I ever recover?
> CNN disproves there is a jewish world conspiracy > FBI investigated election fraud, found none > CIA denied the last terror attack being their false flag Nothing to see here, bros. The bible says it.
>>13404186 >satanism is an abrahamic religion, it is not paganism False ''satan'' was a hebrew word they used for astarte the babylonian god that the people of tyre and sidon elat worshipped who was a derrivative of ishtar/innana, the goddess ''the whore of babylon''.
most of the bible is about destroying peganism and the babylonian system
>>13404189 And you trust CNN, The FBI and the CIA?
>>13404188 >false representation of opponent >reference to writings of a jew typical christcuck
you should read what that jew said about jesus if you keep regurgitating his assertion on odin so much
>>13404191 Of course. You don't?
I don’t get why this is so hard for people to understand. Jesus saw that the Jews were basically an evil race of people when he observed them (wow same thing we observe). He tried to convince them to stop being evil, and they killed him. In the following years his followers and their descendants preached to both Jews and gentiles. Some % of jews became Christian and would have been subsumed into the growing gentile Christian population. What remains is exactly what you’d expect and exactly what we see today. Modern Jews the most evil descendants of an already evil race, made even more evil over 1,800 years of wandering and living without a homeland which turned them into parasites on top of it all.
>>13404146 God transcends nations. God as understood in Christian theology is the maker of all things to include other gods (elohim). Once upon a time, after God divided the nations and assigned the gods to all the nations, God decided to make a nation for himself. He called out Abram and made two covenants, one with Abraham and one with Israel. Abraham's covenant was fulfilled in Christ. God's covenant with Israel could have been fulfilled, but Israel split in two. Part became Judah. God divorced Israel and tolerated Judah long enough for Christ to incarnate and fulfil the law and the prophets. God's people are now those who exercise believing loyalty to him, regardless of ethnicity.
What this means is that the Jews no longer matter. In fact, they got so assmad about the whole thing that they turned their backs on God completely, while pretending not to. Of course, they were always spiritual whores and worshipped every god but their own. They are the synagogue of Satan, not because they are not ethnic Jews, but because a true Israelite is one who worships God, it has nothing to do with race or wearing a funny hat. God is bigger than that. The ethnic Jews still think their bloodline matters to God, but it doesn't. Anyone who is obsessed with it is a Jew at heart and has fallen for a Jewish trick.
This does not mean that we ought to mix the races, or tolerate degeneracy. God himself divided the nations and he did so for a reason. The little g gods are territorial and ethnic, inviting their people (the ones God assigned to the other gods) into a formerly Christian nation, or nation peopled by Christians, is the same as inviting the lesser elohim into God's Christian territory. Paul went on missionary journeys for a reason, as opposed to sending a letter and inviting Immigrants to Jerusalem.
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>>13404193 Post nose you filthy kike
>>13404192 People like you cannot be saved
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>>13404194 moron
jesus was a jew who claimed to fulfill jewish messianic prophecy
some jews agreed, some did not,
the ones who did not had him killed because they saw him as a heretic against the jewish faith for claiming to be the prophesized jewish messiah
both sides of this division were racial jews
it is a religious sectarian split, not a racial division
you should read your bible instead of regurgitating asinine /pol/ memes that are quite literally anti christ
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>>13404146 I still don't like how Christian is a peaceful religion we need barbarians
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the synaguge of satan is actually c hristianity, not jews, jews are the real jews and christians are the fake jews. you're all going to go to your christian hell soon enuf, protip: jews dont have a hell cuz theey're the schosened ones and you aint bucko!
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>>13404198 saved from what?
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>>13404153 man i bet there are gay footfags out there insanely jelly of the gay commie antichrist pope who gets to travel teh world washing nigger feet - gotta be some mentally ill faggot's dream job.
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>>13404146 Reminder that all forms of modern Judaism descend from the Pharisees. The modern sects like reform and conservative support globohomo, and the ultra-orthodox sects support making gentiles their servants and view them as inferior.
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>>13404146 youre talking about old christianity that follows the bible most christainity these days is heavily subverted and are willing butt goys to kikes
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>>13404146 The biggest thing people miss about Christianity is it says everyone is evil:
Genesis 6:5
>And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Isaiah 64:6
>But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away. It's not just jews or this group or that. It's all of you. That's why people hate it. Looking at all of human history I would have to admit that, yes, we are all degenerates in some fashion or another.
>>13404166 >the jews were the original heros of society, they destroyed pagan faggoty and wrote the first book on anti-degeneracy The christcuck reveals his final form
>>13404158 All your Pagan "gods" have Mesopotamian and Babylonian origin. Using your feeble logic, you also honor Semitic deities. This is because you can't escape from the fact, that life and civilization both began in the Middle East.
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>>13404173 >jews deny a jewish rabbi and?
>>13404178 Romans killed your rabbi idiot, read a book
>>13404209 >All your Pagan "gods" have Mesopotamian and Babylonian origin Anonymous
>>13404146 >which say they are Jews, and are not sounds disproved to me.
>no honest you guys, real jews aren't evil, it's only those evil guys who claim to be jews but ABSOLUTELY ARE NOT ACTUALLY JEWS that do evil stuff! they have a synagogue, but it's not a regular synagogue, it's very specifically a 'synagogue of satan', as distinct from regular synagogues which are just called 'synagogues'. Anonymous
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>>13404194 >I don’t get why this is so hard for people to understand Cos you are retarded
what jesus said doesn't change his race
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>>13404146 If your thesis is that proto-Jews were Aryan, I'll ask you why they fled their own gods and people for the Levant to serve YHWH and enter into communion with demons and non-aryans?
Christian Identity is fine, as religions go, but it is still a heretical rejection of your own flesh-and-blood truths and spiritualism. Our gods ARE our ancestors and kikes have only ever plagiarized the truth and sold it back to the truth-speaker. You can return to the fold though communion with the Aryan Christ, sure. That's fine. But there is nothing more Jewy than chastising your own brood for following their blutwissen and not extrapolating the grains of truth from kike fables. You will meet the same fate as the kikes if you insist on remaining the adversary of your folk and your ancestors. Get that figured out. We want ALL of our people to prosper in love and light. Not suffer in servitude. Your allfather demands no blood sacrifice for your redemption. You have no spiritual debt to pay with blood sacrifice. That is not our way. That is not Aryan. You know this in your blood-memory.
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>>13404146 that’s a lot of text you wrote, didn’t read. i’ll continue worshiping the sun god, thanks
Daily reminder MUH REVULASHUNS was written by an anonymous butthurt jewish rabbi in the 80s CE who was mad that Strong Pagan Rome bulldozed the fuck out of Jerusalem, which shouldn't be possible via the jewish understanding of the world. And so he wrote an assmad creedo about all of it and those who he referred to as the "synagogue of satan" were simply jews who didn't worship Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef as their god, whom he partially blamed for said bulldozing. It was so retarded and ridiculous that it wasn't considered canon until the 360s CE. You are now aware everyone screeching about this as if Rabbi Yeshua himself wrote it is a low-IQ fucking morlock who predicates their entire faith in a jewish cult of personality upon the truck stop bathroom wall scribblings of a deranged kike.
>>13404146 WOW this shit again. I was thinking this garbage was dead however every day a Christ shit proves that Christ shits are the most crazy and the most retarded.
>What does this verse say? That its super bad to LARP jews ? You Christ shits are so crazy you can not even read or understand words.
Have a picture of what that verse actually says.
>>13404147 >>13404151 I'm disappointed not one of you actually saved these pictures to shut down all Christians on the spot.
>>337763870 (Dead)WOW the turkoid spammer is getting censored about time however GG RIP turkoid spammer we will miss you, you have always shown everyone that Christians are insane spamming schizos.
>>13404220 You're a Jew. You are the synagogue of Satan. You will worship me from your cage in Hades. Then you will see who God's chosen are.
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>>13404209 >All your Pagan "gods" have Mesopotamian and Babylonian origin The irony of this statement lmfao
>>13404212 European Gods all came from the Proto-Indo-European pantheon. The jew worshiper doesn't know this and cannot conceive of anything outside the lens of jewishness. Therefore he slanders all religion as having a jewish origin.
>>13404221 >You're a Jew. You are the synagogue of Satan It is literally impossible for the real jews to be the synagogue of satan.
>You're a Jew WRONG!
However feel free to call yourself a jew and everyone a fake jew.
>You will worship me from your cage in Hades This will not happened because there is no god and no afterlife for anyone.
>You will worship me from your cage in Hades >Hades Really Christ shit ? Really ?!
"Hades" ?
Want to explain to everyone how your afterlife even works?
I was under the impression that most Christians will damage control and say that the use of HADES is a unfortunate miss translation and we should fix that to Hell.
However you go girl ! Every bad translation must be some hidden knowledge form god. LOL.
If only your shit religion did have a book that explains it all and not grasping at straws whenever a bible figure says a stupid word that no one knows what it means. You know stuff that is immune to getting mistranslated.
>>13404225 >>13404224 >>13404218 >>13404213 It's not about ethnicity, but about covenants. Israel broke her covenant with God and was divorced. Christianity is a new covenant with that same God. "Jew" means nothing anymore. The only claim the OT Jews had was that covenant. This is shown in every single text of the OT. When Christ said, he came to fulfill the Prophets, this is what he was talking about. All the OT prophets kept telling Israel that God had divorced them for being spiritual whores and that Judah could only reenter into a covenant through Christ. This theme of a new covenant written in the heart is also
found in Jeremiah 3 and 31, Ezekiel 16, Isaiah 54 and Hosea 2. The Law was on tablets of stone, the new covenant was to be written on the heart (symbolic language you retards).
All those whore Jews who went and worshipped other gods are like an old cat lady pretending she is still married long after her husband walked away from her whore ass.
>>13404226 Whatever are you a real jew? Answer that to everyone and the schizo shit the OP is.
> are like an old cat lady pretending she is still married long Cat lady you say.
Funny lets see what gods scat obsessed brain tells us in the bible !
Of course ! It is so obvious ! This old crazy schizo in the streets is cooking food over shit ! What a clear message from god and 100% not schizophrenic !
You really think this book has the deep wisdom of the universe in it ? Or schizo jew ramblings ?
>>13404227 >>13404226 More timeless wisdom from jesus. Clearly god in the flesh here to give us timeless knowledge.
READ YOUR BIBLE ! It will make an atheist out of you !
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>>13404146 I'd like to thank christcucks. Thanks to their relentless spamming I've been coming to this site less and less. Less toxicity in my life. Pol is now a home to the mentally ill, and I'm not joining that club
>>13404146 christcucks will seethe
>>13404227 You are criticizing something you do not understand or have not studied in order to understand. I told you, being a "Jew" is pointless and means nothing. Will I use Scripture? Of course you smooth brain. How can one discuss and then compare and contrast the Old and New covenants without using the texts the whole idea is based on. I am not a Jew, but I am part of the true Israel of God. Perhaps you are not smart enough to actually discuss this and need the meme version of everything.
God divorced Israel the whore. He then established a new covenant with anyone who would believe on him and trust in Christ. The only way for the ethnic Jew to become a part of the family of God, to have a relationship with him is through Christ. The "Jews" however, reject Christ. There are therefore not of God, but of Satan ergo the passage OP used to start the thread - the synagogue of Satan.
>>13404231 so calling christcucks "jews" is correct
got it
>>13404231 > reject Christ. There are therefore not of God, but of Satan ergo the passage OP used to start the thread - the synagogue of Satan. The text literally say that the synagogue of satan can only be non-jews who pretend to be jews.
This is how language function you idiot !
>>13404230 I like you making a insult however I'm displeased that you did not debunk the literally impossible shit OP is saying.
>>13404152 I despise the government I guess that makes me an anti-Christ. Jesus would often be seen mingling with tax collectors and sinners and would be asked why and he said they were the most in need of his teachings. But perhaps Jesus was a liar and a deceiver and the reason was because sewing the seeds of socialism and his meetings with the taxmen was not written about because they were secret. Jesus wrote that the root of all evil is money. I say the root of all evil is taxation.
15 And as he reclined at table in his house, many gtax collectors and sinners were reclining with Jesus and his disciples, for there were many who followed him. 16 And hthe scribes of1 the Pharisees, when they saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors, said to his disciples, g“Why does he eat2 with tax collectors and sinners?” 17 And when Jesus heard it, he said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. iI came not to call the righteous, jbut sinners.”
>>13404233 8:39
39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered.
“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would[c] do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”
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I'm converting to Eastern Orthodoxy
>>13404232 Good quote.
I like you going to the big book of atheism (the bible) to debunk Christ shits.
I told Christians to go full out and say they are jews. The real jews that is.
Literally no one will dispute that they are jews, not here.
>That passage Hmm can you give me some feedback ? I was thinking about making a info graph about that picture. I was thinking some fat Christians who have a bleeding scar next to their hart in the shape of the star of David and they are waving their cut chest skin and saying how not only their penises are circumcised however also their harts.
IS this a good image? Give me feedback and tell me what you think you can tell me if its shit or give more suggestions.
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>>13404146 The problem is modern amerimutt christcucks. They seem to ignore the New Testament completely, even though it's the base of Christianity. Kikes subverted them with the so called "judeo-christian values".
>>13404240 kek, make this illustration i wish to see it
>>13404233 >>13404234 >>13404236 However the bible tells us clearly that Christians are satanists since peter on whom the church is build is Satan and a obstacle to jesus.
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>>13404235 It's because any true "jew" would now be christian. Because according to the jew's own prophecy, jesus was the messiah. So according to the Jew's own religious texts. Those who didnt follow the true messiah, were doing the work of satan. Basically anybody unwilling to follow jesus was never a jew to begin with and real jews dont exist anymore. They either because Christians or were satanists all along.
Jew is just the modern way of identifying a satinist.
>>13404190 Satan to the 1st Temple was altered by Babylonian Talmudists who were seething at the Israelis that weren't captured. They started a civil war in Israel when they returned over it.
You're the kind who thinks a pagan sacrifice is always a blood sacrifice. You wouldn't blink at hanging a pedo or stoning a harlot but would scream
>"Evil human sacrifice!!!" at red robin executions for the same thing.
>Red Robin: Pagan practice of blood letting of a prisoner to fertilise soil. Made some value of a worthless PoS for the community. Anonymous
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>>13404177 Stop spreading this garbage
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>>13404146 Plus the whole thing calling kikes "the chosen people" as a Christian is pure retardation. Again, the New Testament calls Christians the Chosen, and kikes lost it because betrayed and killed Christ.
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>>13404211 Because the Jews voted to have him crucified
>>13404242 >kek, make this illustration i wish to see it I'm producing it now ! Be patient in them meanwhile let this picture satisfy your curiosity over circumcisions in the bible.
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>>13404194 >Real Judaism has never been tried!!! Anonymous
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>>13404243 Peter represents the modern jew.
Like how modern christianity helps support the state of isreal. Christianity is built on the hill of modern Judaism (satanism)
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>>13404146 That's why the Jews and their puppets are here every Sunday, I enjoy watching their ineffectual shilling and seething though.
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>>13404146 >Revelation 3:9 >"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee." >What does this verse say? It is teaching us that Jews who reject Jesus Christ will become Satan's congregation. Does it? Or is that interpretation of it? It could be warning about the Canaanites who are posing as Jews, to this day. Ashkenazim.
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>>13404146 I don't want anyone to be slaves, I just want them to understand and love Jesus Christ.
>>13404232 You are missing the point of the text. The "Jews" who claim to be but reject Christ are not Jews. The true Israel of God is the Church. Jews are of their father, the devil, and have no actual relationship with God. The circumcision of the heart is an OT reference to the New Covenant, the Old one which modern Jews say makes them God's chosen is done away with.
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>>13404217 Fucking kek, awesome pic. Nigger head cast into fire, roastie lost her BBC playtoy. Now what? How will she recover?
Oh, w8, she's a woman. Will forget about it in a moment and submit to Big White Pagan Cock.
>>13404146 Ok so let's break it down Jesuits.
>John 8:44 KJV 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
In context, which you filthy replacement theology devils never care about, it's speaking to specific pharisees that were lying. Nowhere in the context is it condeming the Jews as the children of Satan as a people. And your pathetic out of context "argument" is destroyed by the fact that bible LITERALLY says that anyone that is lost is a child of the devil. Lost people are children of the devil (people like you) because they have another spirit. The context of the verse has aboslutely NOTHING to do with race. Yet you use it as such, because YOU are what that verse describes, a lying child of the devil.
>Revelation 2:9 KJV 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
They which say they are Jews, and are not. That's what you call a replacememt theologist. He claims that he is the real Jew. But this just shows you the twisted mind of these replacement theologists.
>Jews are children of Satan >But we are acually the real Jews! >Because Jews are edomites! >But i use verses that supossedly talks about Jews to condemn the Jews >But we are the true Jews A bunch of mentally ill freaks.
>Revelation 3:9 KJV 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Yes. All the replacement theologists will be brought to kiss the feet of Jews (you). The primary replacement theologists are catholics. And they will be destroyed because they are the whore, mystery babylon.
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>>13404256 so christcucks are the real jews
so calling you "jew" is correct
thanks for clearing it up
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>>13404238 Destroyers gonna destroy, builders gonna build.
Yeshua swung a hammer to earn a living.
Gotta admit, that's pretty Goyish. If your path to repair travels through Christ, I don't know how you can see him as anything but an Aryan restorationist rather than a kike.
Below I have compiled the complete and definitive list of other kikes who swung a hammer to earn a living:
The list isn't populating, so let's just move on.
Jews want you to see Yeshua's transmuting himself into an Ark to bear the spiritual communion of lost Aryans and then interpret that as a (((human sacrifice))) to appease an angry hebrew demon. It wasn't. It was just an offer to uplift fallen Aryans. There is no debt. Human sacrifice is not the Aryan way and it was not his action. You can repair to the Allevater through rediscovering the old ways (by spirit guide) or through communion with the ark himself (though that ritual is likely lost or hidden)
Either is Aryan and critical remedy. Either longs to see Judgment passed on the synagogue of satan. Holy aegis and alacrity, my Aryan Brothers. Return! Return!
>>13404258 Romans 11:25-28 KJV
25 For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.
26 And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob:
27 For this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.
>28 As concerning the gospel, they are enemies for your sakes: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the father's sakes. >father's sakes. Notice the lower case ' f ' on father there? That's a refference to convenant God made with Abraham concerning his PHYSCIALL seed.
>John 4:22 KJV Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
I'm a Gentile who picked up what the Jews dropped. But God is by NO mean done with Israel, the Jews. Right now we are one IN Christ. When the rapture happens the body of Christ leaves. God will then turn back and judge Israel and they will turn back to him. And that's why the 7 year period is called "the time of Jacobs trouble" and falsely called "the tribulation" or "the great tribulation", and such are only ever given as descriptions and never as titels. Tribulation is a description. The title is "the time of Jacobs trouble". Jacob = Israel.
>>13404237 not money, but the love of money. 1 Timothy 6:10
>>13404217 Imagine being European and following a religion which paints the major European civilization - Rome - as the Devil > Looks like someone didn't read their bible. > 1. Rome is the enemy of God (it is the fourth beast of Daniel 7 and the beast from revelations) > 2. Rome precedes the Kingdom of God which comes after the judgement (see Daniel 7).* Imagine not seeing the Jewish subversion in this narrative. Christcucks are beyond all hope.
>>13404259 You're just a moron and a useful idiot. Keep living in your delusion of christian anti-semitism, larper
>>13404264 Rome is a disgusting mess and has always produced illiterate nations. The British Empire and America at it's peak is a MUCH MUCH better example of white excellence when done right under God building a nation BASED ON HIS WORD. Keep rewriting history Jesuit catholic apologist. Rome never fell they just went underground and became the Catholic church (synagouge of Satan) and operates now through secret socities among other things. All roads lead to the devilish Rome.
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>>13404262 God divorced Israel. He kept Judah around and Christ's death ended the Old Covenant with Judah.
Romans 7: 1- 4 Know ye not, brethren, (for I speak to them that know the law,) how that the law hath dominion over a man as long as he liveth? For the woman which hath an husband is bound by the law to her husband so long as he liveth; but if the husband be dead, she is loosed from the law of her husband. So then if, while her husband liveth, she be married to another man, she shall be called an adulteress: but if her husband be dead, she is free from that law; so that she is no adulteress, though she be married to another man. Wherefore, my brethren, ye also are become dead to the law by the body of Christ; that ye should be married to another, even to him who is raised from the dead, that we should bring forth fruit unto God.
The only way for anyone to enter into a relationship with God is through Christ. Jews who reject Christ are not in a covenant with God because Christ (the one with whom the Old Covenant was made), died.
Romans 9:4 - 8 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises; Whose are the fathers, and of whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen. Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel: Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called. That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
A New covenant was established with anyone who would believe. Worshipping modern Israel and thinking that divorced whore is important is heresy and is communion with the Antichrist. Supporting Israel is supporting the Antichrist. Political and spiritual suicide.
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>>13404265 And guess who lost the war. And guess who went on and became one of the most flourishing western nations the world has ever seen? (not now because they have abandoned God and segregation and the bible).
Keep rewriting history Jesuit/Catholic apologist.
>>13404147 learn to Histroy . Modern Jews religion is not the Judaism of the Bible, it got corrupted with paganism and demonology(see the Zohar and Talmud) by the Pharisees.
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>>13404146 >Jews are the chosen people! A quote from every "serious" Christian I've ever met. Fuck off. You people are tools, both literally and metaphorically.
>>13404242 >>13404249 I finished !
Its rushed and I'm not happy with the colors.
If I make the skin darker (to show the melonated nature of the christian) the blood is less visible. I need to fix up the colors.
Also I always ALWAYS ALWAYS look up the bible quotes in the bible and you have a mistake it is Romans 2:28-29 not Romans 8 !
I think /pol/ will love this infograph.
Atheists are smarter than Christians.
T.J. Kirk has an IQ that is extremely high.
>>13404272 >>13404273 What's TJ even up to nowadays?
>>13404271 >>13404242 >>13404249 Fuck me I'm stupid. Use this picture.
>>13404146 Stop casting pearls before swine.
Yes, kikes go to Hell. All true Christians know this.
Do not waste your time trying to convince those who are reprobates, those who slander Christ, those who live in darkness and embrace it.
You will only waste your time and energy.
Seek the Kingdom of Heaven, again
>>13404271 neat
but its instead of having the penis cut, not as well
christcucks claim it is okay that yahweh demanded foreskins for thousands of years and even that jesus himself was mutilated its all good because paul told some gentiles yahweh no l,onger needed penis skins
>2 not 8 yeah im not sure how it got named 8, must have misclicked when saving thanks for the catch
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>>13404245 >false statement the wars they plan themselves during the right stage are for sacrafices in of themselves, you won't catch me cheering violence on
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>>13404266 Take your meds, shitskin.
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>>13404274 Uploading high-iq content on YouTube and continuing DFF.
>>13404277 >when saving thanks for the catch No problem however keep in mind that Christians will jump on a error like this.
>but its instead of having the penis cut, not as well Hmm what dialog do you suggest.
I wanted to have something catchy and not suggest to stop cutting your penis.
>its all good because paul told some gentiles yahweh no l,onger needed penis skins Everyone who is sane realizes that peter made up shit to make his cult popular with all people.
To Christians it is endless cope and autism.
> paul told some Did you know ? Do you know the moment in the bible when god tells you that it is OK to eat forbidden foods?
(I'm planning a info graph on that one)
It is in acts 10.
You see Peter is getting hungry and all around him is all this forbidden food sold by pagans.
And then hungry Peter get a vision from god on the spot, that just so tells peter that it is OK to eat forbidden foods now.
You know a vision that only Peter can see an no one else.
What coincidence, that god just waited when Peter was getting hungry next to this delicious forbidden food that god just so decided to give him a vision.
Pure 100% coincidence there and not a religion that is basically whatever Peter makes up on the spot.
Of course god yells like a crazy mad man in that vision however this is another story for another time.
You need to be mentally disabled to be a christian after reading the entirety of acts.
>>13404281 >>13404277 The peter character is extremely fascinating I recommend you read up on this.
>>13404277 Or is more the old testament something you are interested in ?
>>13404281 Its called dispensation.
>>13404284 Here is another theory your cult leader Peter is making shit up on the spot.
And why the fuck is god yelling like a mad man? And not explaining what the rules are ?
>>13404281 >what dialog well idk, but they will jump at an d focus on claiming that yahweh doesnt need penis skin anymore according to their doctrine
>>13404282 yeah, in typical christjew fashion the characters of the bible continuously changed things to fit their comforts and desires
>>13404283 yeah ive read the bible through, i know it well
and yeah the thing about sacrificial food being eaten by the priests is hilarious because by doing all the required sacrifices ended up exterminating all of their livestock and they ended up eating diseased wild birds because they had been without meat for so long
>>13404286 >and yeah the thing about sacrificial food being eaten by the priests is hilarious I recommend you read the myth of Prometheus in the Greek religion. There you get the same setup.
Somehow in the old ass religions the food you sacrifice to the gods ends up in the belly of the clergy. You also have the jewish ritual Kapparot where a chicken you buy ends up eaten by the rabbi.
And somehow when this money invention gets popular the gods no longer demand free food they want MONEY ! No more food only MONEY ! How stupid can people get ?
>all of their livestock and they ended up eating diseased wild birds because they had been without meat for so long Bible quotes on this. PLz.
>>13404276 they can all be saved, all things are possible through god, he is the most good
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Vikings are the real Jews
>>13404288 >>13404276 >Stop casting pearls before swine. The fav qupte of the idiot christian. I recommend all christians especially the schizos fuck back to their echo chambers and never christ spam 4chan.
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>>13404237 it seems to me like the purpose of "money" IS taxation!
barters cannot be taxed without some generalized way of converting value and apportioning it, so as I see it currency was introduced by the king
>>13404287 in numbers 11 they had long run out of livestock and they found diseased quail which they then consumed
it doesnt specifically say they ran out because of the required sacrifices, but given the amount of people and the things requiring sacrifice of these animals, it can be deduced that they could not keep up reproduction of these food animals with the demand for their blood by yahweh along with regular consumption by the average hebrew
>>13404292 Interesting...
>it can be deduced That kills the damn thing in its place. I mean christians are resistant to literal bible quotes and invent out of this world shit to make it work....
You think these people can deduce anything from their bible?
Anything that is not their fan fiction religion they got indoctrinated into ?
While a curiosity for atheists it is literally a waist of time to bring this up to Christians.
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>>13404287 Atheists are king.
TJ is so tall, smart, and funny.
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>>13404146 You can back basically selling your own mother with the (((bible))) written by jews btw....
>>13404294 yeah true
i do wonder what explanation they would give for them running out of animals, especially since they took much livestock from peoples they slaughtered
>>13404297 >i do wonder what explanation they would give for them running out of animals, let me predict:
>They obviously got cursed by god because they disobeyed him. >40 year cursed to travel the desert my man. Anonymous
>>13404146 based. i cant wait to have big boobed jewish women worshipping my feet
>>13404298 I see the Romans who classified these people as jews in the time of jesus IRL where also mistaken because your 1980s jewish book says some words.
>>13404300 it will be you worshiping at the jews feet dumbass
>>13404300 Years later and the same Christ shits fall for the same shit since they are unable to read words.
You Christ shits you are literally incapable of reading words.
>>13404292 Isaiah 1:12 When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts?
13 Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.
14 Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them.
15 And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood.
16 Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil;
17 Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow.
>>13404304 >dude like yahweh just changed his mind and shit doesnt really answer the question now does it?
>>13404301 source?
You mean Judeans?
The English term Jew originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi, meaning "from the Kingdom of Judah". See Jastrow Dictionary and the source he used: Megilla 13a:2 (Talmud). It passed into Greek as Ioudaios and Latin as Iudaeus, which evolved into the Old French giu after the letter "d" was dropped. A variety of related forms are found in early English from about the year 1000, including Iudea, Gyu, Giu, Iuu, Iuw, and Iew, which eventually developed into the modern word.
"Jew" is a relatively new term so yes it does in fact
Judean/Israelite =/= Contemporary Jew
that is literally what the Text is saying
>>13404305 >YHWH doesnt even like "jews" Exodus 32:9 And the Lord said unto Moses, I have seen this people, and, behold, it is a stiffnecked people:
10 Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation.
11 And Moses besought the Lord his God, and said, Lord, why doth thy wrath wax hot against thy people, which thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great power, and with a mighty hand?
12 Wherefore should the Egyptians speak, and say, For mischief did he bring them out, to slay them in the mountains, and to consume them from the face of the earth? Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.
13 Remember Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, thy servants, to whom thou swarest by thine own self, and saidst unto them, I will multiply your seed as the stars of heaven, and all this land that I have spoken of will I give unto your seed, and they shall inherit it for ever.
14 And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people.
>>13404306 Whatever. Everyone told you don't be afraid of your heritage tell everyone
>I'M A JEW AND ... Simply go for it ! Literally no one will stop you or question your jewishness here.
>>13404306 >>13404308 On one side
>We Christians are the REAL Jews On the other side :
>Jews are the most hated people and god hates Jews. Can you elaborate on this?
>>13404306 the penis mutilators depicted in the tanakh and the religion they birthed depicted therein which contains sukkot, sabbath, circumcision, hannukah, shauvot, purim, the 5781 year lunar calendar, passover, synagogues, prayer tassles, scripture cubes, menorahs, matzos, etc are commonly referred to as "jews" and "jewish"
however, your silly semantics play is quite irrelevant as this penis mutilating desert mongrel people and their heritage and the things they wrote should not be kept as our own and in place of our own blood heritage
>>13404220 >>13404225 >>13404227 >>13404228 >>13404230 >>13404243 >>13404240 >>13404235 >>13404249 >>13404264 >>13404271 >>13404281 >>13404282 >>13404283 >>13404285 >>13404287 >>13404290 >>13404294 >>13404299 >>13404303 >>13404309 >>13404310 >>13404311 Man, do you really have all this time just to gaslight people? Dont you have anything better to do? Most people know you fail to come up with actual arguments, so what are you trying to gain?
Do you really just hate other people for moving on with their lives, or do you actually think youre shilling for a good cause?
>>13404306 >"Jew" is a relatively new term It's the angloid version of a 2,300 year old term. In Slavic languages, it's evrei (Hebrew) and it's used exactly the same. The only difference between today and the Roman use of Iudaeos is the geographical component because Judea still existed. If Israel was renamed to Judea, the definitions of the two terms would be identical.
>>13404311 IS that the satanic bible?
You know that book is click bait shit?
It is literally standard 1960s morality + BS about Satan + yelling how masturbation is magic.
Great way for Anton LaVey to make money from it. And he was charging good money to give certificates of being members of the church of Satan.
Best click bait scam of the XX century 9/10 !
>>13404302 Nah, it says right there those who say they’re jews. Who says they’re jews? Jews. So it will be the modern jews worshipping the feet of Christians.
>>13404303 No, I read that fine; I probably read it much better than you. It seems you’re mad because you’re polish and probably ugly. Jesus loves you though.
>>13404310 >>We Christians are the REAL Jews where did i say that?
Spiritually maybe
Matthew 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
>>13404312 you have said this before doesnt change anything
and "hannukah" isnt on the Lunar Calendar as a celebrated Feast and isnt in the Torah
are you going to keep whining about muh wiener mutilators? lol
Romans 2:28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
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>>13404315 See right here, a jew creates a literal synagogue of satan. Also 23 posts, really? Why so angry?
>>13404313 >mass reply >offers no argument whatsoever Anonymous
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>>13404316 it says those who say that they are jews but are not, not those that are jews
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>>13404146 >Book proves its authenticity with it's own ending Wow that's amazing
On a side note
>>13404299 >>13404297 >>13404294 >>13404292 Remember when I told everyone that doing things requiring interpretation is pointless and that Christians will argue that the direct words they read have the opposite meaning?
Check out that fagot ! :
>>13404316 >No, I read that fine; Anonymous
>>13404314 Israel and Judah are two seperate kingdoms
>The only difference between today and the Roman use of Iudaeos is the geographical component because Judea still existed werent the vast majority of "Judeans" genocided in 70 ad or w/e?
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>>13404169 >>13404208 the other shill already dropped your script, no need to double post the talking points
>>13404195 Based and truthpilled. Israel isn't a nation as most people understand it, it's in fact a name given to Jacob (Gen 32:28):
"And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed."
I believe the covenant with Israel was / is being fulfilled; Jacob (Israel) was a son of Abraham, and not only are his descendants more numerous than the stars (i.e., the followers of the covenant with God), but you're quite right to say the concept of Israel supercedes ethnity or nationality to fall upon any child of Abraham who likewise worships God.
There was something written by Paul in the letter to the Romans which I think a lot of /pol/-llacks should read, Paul preaches about the fate that befalls anyone (Jew or Gentile) who does not accept the salvation of Christ:
28 Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. 29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
>>13404306 >>13404317 >>13404317 >where did i say that? Most people using that line end up with "we Christians and/or white people are the real jews"
>The English term Jew originates in the Biblical Hebrew word Yehudi, So who are the jews then? Are they not the people from Israel 2000 years ago?
>Romans 2:28 Already picture made in
>>13404275 Who are the jews then?
>>13404325 if god is not bound to keeping jewish mythos and heritage as your own why do you insist on doing so?
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>>13404146 Holy shit. It was teaching that people who claim to be Jews when they are not, are the Worship Building of Satan, just like if a fundie rages that fake Christians are the Church of Satan.
Jesus was a Jew. He had a specific sect of Judaism, even. Anti-semitism requires the hatred of Christ.
There is no love in making others into slaves, just as there is no love in the Taliban delivering young girls against their will to be slaves to Talibani warriors. A God of love inspires worship by love, and to proclaim the conversion of Satan's worshippers is to proclaim their redeemability.
>>13404323 No, there were 4 million Jews back then, so it wasn't that easy. They were something like 7% (or something like that) of the empire. Even before the war, Alexandria was the equivalent of modern New York. They had diaspora in every coastal province. For example, Paul was from Tarsus which is modern southern Turkey.
>Israel and Judah are two seperate kingdoms I'm aware. Shouldn't Christians be the ones championing Jews to change the name? They objectively have more claim merely to Judea.
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
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They traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a Jewish sorcerer and false prophet named Bar-Jesus, 7 who was an attendant of the proconsul, Sergius Paulus. The proconsul, an intelligent man, sent for Barnabas and Saul because he wanted to hear the word of God. 8 But Elymas the sorcerer (for that is what his name means) opposed them and tried to turn the proconsul from the faith. 9 Then Saul, who was also called Paul, filled with the Holy Spirit, looked straight at Elymas and said, 10 “You are a child of the devil and an enemy of everything that is right! You are full of all kinds of deceit and trickery. Will you never stop perverting the right ways of the Lord? 11 Now the hand of the Lord is against you. You are going to be blind for a time, not even able to see the light of the sun.” Immediately mist and darkness came over him, and he groped about, seeking someone to lead him by the hand. 12 When the proconsul saw what had happened, he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord. ... Fellow children of Abraham (i.e. Jews) and you God-fearing Gentiles (i.e. Believers), it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent. 27 The people of Jerusalem and their rulers did not recognize Jesus, yet in condemning him they fulfilled the words of the prophets that are read every Sabbath. 28 Though they found no proper ground for a death sentence, they asked Pilate to have him executed. 29 When they had carried out all that was written about him, they took him down from the cross and laid him in a tomb. 30 But God raised him from the dead, 31 and for many days he was seen by those who had traveled with him from Galilee to Jerusalem. They are now his witnesses to our people.
>>13404323 I'm in the mood to see some christian identity anyone wants to post crazy 1h videos ?
>>13404326 >Who are the jews then? Amos 9:9 For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.
10 All the sinners of my people shall die by the sword, which say, The evil shall not overtake nor prevent us.
idk great question another one is where are the ISRAELITES lol
>>13404329 Matthew 15:24 But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Who are the Lost Sheep of the house of Israel?
Why is ISRAEL named so when they claim to be decendants of Judah?
and yeah Diaspora "Jews" like why the Septuagint was made most "Jews" couldnt even speak Hebrew and needed a Greek translation lol
>>13404331 What about an Hebrew or an Israelite?
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404327 God writes his own mythology. It behooved us before Christ to be part of the tribe of people to whom God promised his mercy; in these years after the death of Christ, it behooves us to believe. Salvation can be gotten by all by an adherence to not "jewish" mythos, but the mythos of God. A cursory analysis of Genesis, the Book of Isiah, or Daniel shows how the Jews weren't the fawning lapdogs of God whom God gave whatever they wanted. They got fucked over as much as (even more than) the average humans of the time. God's salvation is visible over time. The Jewish mythology, before Christ, was the correct mythology through which to view the manifestation of God. Christianity, in the time after Christ, is the mythology through which to understand the triumph of God. Was it not the Christ-loving, God-fearing Christians of Europe who conquered the world?
>>13404332 You sound like a schizo answer and tell everyone who the jews are.
>>13404334 >You sound like a schizo lol you are the one proclaiming to know who is who why dont you tell us
as evidenced
>>13404322 >>13404303 you seem to have a really good idea
tell me about Mystery Babylon anon i would love to hear about it
>>13404333 so you believe that god is bound to the jews and what they birthed
you believe that you cannot know god unless you keep jewish heritage as your own
this is absurd
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IMO they killed "Jesus" 200 years ago and rewrote history. Or, were actually going back in time itself
>>13404338 >Take your meds Anonymous
>>13404332 >Who are the Lost Sheep of the house of Israel? Not blonde germanics as you seem to believe.
>Why is ISRAEL named so when they claim to be decendants of Judah? They claim descent from all tribes. Judah itself according to OT myths is Ruben + Judah. Obviously Levis and Cohen (priests) claim descent from Levi. The tribes are of course mythology.
>and yeah Diaspora "Jews" like why the Septuagint was made most "Jews" couldnt even speak Hebrew and needed a Greek translation lol The Septuagint was translated 2,200 years ago, when almost every Jew still lived in Judea and spoke Aramaic. Greek was the lingua franca.
>>13404339 wtf does that faggot have anything to do with what im talking about?
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404336 God is bound to the Jews in the sense that his covenant, his word, was originally written for the 12 tribes of Abraham;
Yet as Christ walked on this earth, he found the majority of Jews unworthy of salvation whereas many Gentiles openly accepted the words and works of Christ. I believe that I cannot know God unless I keep God's manifestation of his plan through Jewish heritage known to my soul; likewise, the manifesation of His glory through all people who accept Christ as his savior. Are not the crusades also my progeny? Is not the conquest of the moon my progeny (for the astronauts read from Genesis as they orbited the darkside of the moon).
You hate the Jews for what those who claim to be Jews represent in our modern society. For that I do not begrudge you; yet those who claim to be Jews today are not real Jews.
Yet these fake Jews fate is worse than death for them: they exist only to serve Christians. (Rev 3:9):
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you
>>13404341 Kek. Dilate tranny. Take your meds
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A mind without The Dhamma will wander in dark places! The Dhamma conquers all!
∞ The Four Aryan Truths ∞
1. Suffering is an innate characteristic of existence.
2. Craving is the root cause of suffering.
3. Ending suffering can be attained by ending craving.
4. There is a path to ending craving and suffering. ᛋᛋ 卍 ∞
>>13404342 yahweh is not god
yahweh is not the creator
the creator did not demand the foreskins of a desert mongrel people for thousands of years
the creator was not so weak that he could not overcome iron chariots
yahweh is an egregore of jewish design for their own purposes, this is clear if you actualyl read the bible
you have bound yourself to the jews and give spiritual devotion to their source of power
you are under a golem spell
it is time to wake up
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>>13404146 The jewish trick comes in the form of the twisting of the definition/context of the words and sentences to bend the meaning to suit jewish interests. A good number of people who claim to be Christian simply accept these interpretations at face value without thinking outside the box, and giving due diligence to their own intelligence. That's what makes it a jewish religion. The teachings are designed to show you how to be spiritually self sufficient, and we all know a parasitic peoples can't survive in such a place.
>>13404343 Way ahead of you !
>>13404342 Don't get attached to the spell of words, but I agree with you
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404347 God hath stood in the company of God, In the midst God doth judge.
Till when do ye judge perversely? And the face of the wicked lift up? Selah.
Judge ye the weak and fatherless, The afflicted and the poor declare righteous.
Let the weak and needy escape, From the hand of the wicked deliver them.
They knew not, nor do they understand, In darkness they walk habitually, Moved are all the foundations of earth.
I -- I have said, `Ye God,
And sons of the Most High -- all of you,
But as man ye die, and as one of the heads ye fall,
>>13404340 >Greek was the lingua franca. yes because of Alexander
so would you believe the Sources from the Septuagint or is it all just made up
Spartans are claimed to be from the family of Abraham according to Maccabees
1 Maccabees 20 "Arius, king of the Spartans, to Onias the high priest, greeting. 21 It has been found in writing concerning the Spartans and the Jews that they are brethren and are of the family of Abraham. 22 And now that we have learned this, please write us concerning your welfare; 23 we on our part write to you that your cattle and your property belong to us, and ours belong to you. We therefore command that our envoys report to you accordingly."
Exodus 2:1And there was a certain man of the tribe of Levi, who took to wife one of the daughters of Levi. 2And she conceived, and bore a male child; and having seen that he was fair, they hid him three months. 3And when they could no longer hide him, his mother took for him an ark, and besmeared it with bitumen, and cast the child into it, and put it in the ooze by the river. 4And his sister was watching from a distance, to learn what would happen to him.
and Moses is described as fair
what do you think fair means?
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404350 Truth. Words are wind. I speak of the living word, the promise to all who fear God.
>>13404344 wow so you have no arguement and are now going to act like a retard
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404352 Apparently, fair means your descendents will kick the living crap out of the God-Emperor king of kings.
>>13404354 I'm sorry I learned how to diffuse someone telling others to take there meds and calling them skitzo on the internet
>>13404353 Lel. No way Egyptians even laid a finger on the creation of the pyramid's tho
>>13404358 >I'm sorry I learned how to diffuse someone telling others to take there meds and calling them skitzo on the internet so you are a follower with no insight of your own?
>>13404351 >if i quote the words written by jews i am justified in blindly binding myself to the jews absurd
name one value for healthy family, community, and nation that requires keeping jewish heritage and mythos as our own and requires pretending a dead circumcised jew is god
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>>13404352 Mohammad was described as fair and a ginger. Wow, ancient Bedouins must actually be white Europeans.
>is it all just made up It's mythology. Aka, made up but not intentionally made up, similar to the Iliad. There may have been a Trojan War, but beyond that you can't extract any more authentic historical details.
>Maccabees Maccabeans wanted allies so no shock. They also wrote the Book of Daniel which Jews took a little too seriously.
>>13404357 How dare you post Osiris
>>13404359 Nigga I know about boaz and jachin as well
>>13404223 Pagan gods came from the Tower of Babel where Nimrod/Semiramis/Tammuz were deified as celestial gods. When the languages split and the people moved they would call them by different names Odin/Freyda/Balder, Ra/Isis/Horus, Baal/Ishtar/Molech and so on. This is why there are Tower of Babels (pyramids) across the world to worship their pagan gods.
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404358 The living mythology of Yaweh is cooler than the pagan mythos which a lot of /pol/ users pretend to know.
Odin was hung and had his cum drunken, but disciples of Christ orbited and walked on the moon while reading from Genesis. All the Egyptian mythology is about death, reincarnation, revenge, and sex- the pyramids are no more than the architectural might of a people stuck in a fertile valley surrounded by desert with nothing better to spend their time on; whereas the disciples of Christ take the artifacts of Egypt back to their museums in the West. Bliss.
>>13404362 why wouldnt I?
Revelation 12 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:
2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.
3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.
4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
>>13404363 Severity and Mercy?
>>13404335 I already posted about that as well
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>>13404264 I dunno about that
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>>13404269 You faggots read the KING JAMES Bible not the word of of God. Nothing wrong with taking something from a book but you faggots can’t even follow your own book anything that is not preached from the mouth of god is the synagogue of satan including your bible as it has been edited by men and rewritten hundreds of years before your cum stained hands touched it. It gods real then every retard that thought they had the right to judge will be judged including myself
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404360 Leviticus, the Book of the Preacher, Proverbs, and Psalms are an amazing trove of wisdom which truncate the philosophical sophostries of the Greeks into a form and stance which even the most illiterate middle age farmer could understand.
"Jewish" law (i.e., old testament law) isn't gay, meaning it doesn't feel the need to justify itself. It's not like Greek philosophy which puffs itself up for "truth's" sake, or like Germanic philosophy which puffs itself up for the sake of the "Volk". Messianic law (i.e. Jewish law) is rules which don't make sense unless you don't think about them. Yet time and time again the laws can be applied to show their wisdom.
Deuteronmy 22:5 == No Trannies
A woman must not wear men’s clothing, and a man must not wear women’s clothing, for whoever does these things is detestable to the LORD your God.
Deut. 22:6 == Allowing future generations of animals to breed so as not to destroy ecology
If you come across a bird’s nest with chicks or eggs, either in a tree or on the ground along the road, and the mother is sitting on the chicks or eggs, you must not take the mother along with the young.
Whereas Greek law (i.e., "logic") grows too muddled and confused, Jewish law (i.e., fear of JHVA) dictates.
>>13404365 Interesting post brother
>>13404366 Nazis were freemasons
>>13404371 you didnt point to anything that requires keeping jewish writings as our own and pretending a circumcised jew is god
try again
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404364 Truth. One of my favorite anthropoligcal theories is that the Proto Indo Europeans are the lost tribe of Israel shaterred in the destruction of the Tower of Babel. It explains the rapid linguistic evolution of PIE langauges around ~2500 BC and the similarity of PIE philosophy and mythology to Hebrew mythology.
Fun fact: PIE religions and Judaism are the ONLY pre-bronze-age-collapse religions which adhere to the Sky Father (or Heavenly father) rather than the Sky Mother
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>>13404371 > if you come across a bird’s nest with chicks or eggs, either in a tree or on the ground along the road, and the mother is sitting on the chicks or eggs, you must not take the mother along with the young. Eating the eggs is fine as long as you leave some and don’t kill the mother. Bible confirms abortion is okay Oy vey abortion is a Jewish tradition goyim we aren’t taking the mother only one little delicious egg
>>13404372 >Nazis were freemasons Nazis also gave Palestine to "Israel"
whats your point?
>>13404374 Heard recently Genghis Khan was Jesus, and they easily established an empire in north america by Russia to Alaska. As time goes on, I walk around my city. I wonder if the giant churches everywhere really were for free energy until Zion slipped in and fucked shit up and turned freemasons into Gods (founding fathers)
>>13404376 I wanna like you but I can't get past your flag
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404373 John 2:11
But whoever hates his brother is in the darkness and walks in the darkness. He does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes.
You cannot understand what I say because you are clouded by hatred of Jews or those whom you perceive as weak, Christians. Can you not understand that the weakness of God is stronger than the strength of man? Perhaps God made his covenant with the most unlikable species on earth (i.e., Jews) just to fuck with people like you who wonder why he would reveal Himself to anyone but their own tribe. Your sin is pride.
If I were a Turk who hated Greeks, I would reject the teachines of Greek philosophies, yet this would be a rejection of logic. Does hatred excuse a renunciation of logic? In truth, it does, for only hatred allows one to blind oneself to truth and believe peace will come from this.
James 1:8
“A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.”
How has your double mindedness fucked you over in your lfie?
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404377 Through God, all things are possible and more. A PIE empire stretching from Ukraine to Alaska was fully possible; the Mongols operated no level of technology more complex than what the PIE had access too.
>>13404378 yeah i wear meme flag to troll stupid people lol
is this better fren?
>>13404379 reality is bound to itself
what exists exists without having to keep literal jewish heritage, lineage, and religious foundation as ones own
and pretending a circumcised jew is god and pretending that a penis skin demanding egregore birthed by the jews is actually god is absolutely absurd
>>13404380 (((1893)))
I refuse to believe whoever built the pyramids couldn't figure out photography
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404384 False. Reality is bound to God, whose essence is reality. Should the causality of the Universe be bound to its' own nominalness, or to the essence of its' own self?
Collossians 3:11
11 In this new life, it doesn’t matter if you are a Jew or a Gentile,[a] circumcised or uncircumcised, barbaric, uncivilized,
slave, or free. Christ is all that matters, and he lives in all of us. Why do you reject the proper and fitting heritage and theology to know? An educated man from the 1800s could name all the old testament prophets, all the Roman Emperors, all the Greek philosophers, and all the kings of England. My heritage didn't exist before 0 A.D. There were no Slavs and modern Germanic tribes at that time. The history of the Jews is the oldest in the world, which surely counts for something- God knows everyone's tried to genocide them (not for bad reasons) at least once. My heritage is my own. I am not Jewish, nor are those who claim to be Jews (remember: synagogue of Satan). Yet of those who were Jewish, many lived in accordance with the covenant which is now ours through Christ, and this deserves to be remembered in the same breadth as the Kings of England or the crimes of Elagabalus. Anonymous
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Humans used to live for a thousand years, but kikes only lived for 100 due to their demonic inbreeding and consumption of human flesh (kuru, JCD deaths etc) and they’re insanely jealous of that so they’ve always given us plagues and poisoned our wells. Kikes got tired of people remembering the shit they did, so they started doing everything imaginable to systematically poison and kill you and fail all your organs Then they edited your bible to say god shortened your lifespan to 120 years because he gets “tired of you.” Now do the rest of the Bible where they’re always like “just wait for god to rescue you, goyim and praise be to his chosen kikes heh heh heh, remember to tithe 10% on your way out the door goyim.”
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404385 I drove past that statue not 2 weeks ago. Beautiful architecture. Really makes you wonder why architects and city planners and citizens desired to go for convenience rather than the beauty we were capable of in the 1800s.
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404236 >not KJV get saved maybe
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
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>>13404393 Young's Literal Translation ONLY. Anyone who disagrees is a literal ape who can't comprehend English.
>>13404387 >Reality is bound to God but reality is not bound to the heritage of the jews and the egregore they wrought
try waking up
you are under a golem spell
Anonymous >>13404390 Walked by the post office and saw they had a stone version of the all seeing eye pyramid on its shit. Really makes you think. One eyed monster cyclops cumming like an Obelisk
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404395 Yet where have I said that reality is bound to their egregore? Every attempt by Jewry to bind people to their egregore was followed by God's swift and discriminating vengeance.
He is like a shepherd who grazes his flock, which gathers the lambs in his arms, which carries them in his bosom, which guides the suckling sheep.
I truly believe you cannot comprehend of God because your concept of Godliness is too flawed and tied into a human concept of strength and heritage. Yet have not the disciples of Christ drunk of the true blood and become bound to the same heritage? Are we not all brothers? There are separations between all humans in the sense that we are distinct members of this great body, yet are all united by spirit. This is strength, and it stands far firmer than the differences of flesh.
>>13404395 Do you believe we live on a globe spinning around the sun at 66,000 mph? And the earth is 4.6 billion years old on a universe that's 12 billion years old? Humanity is only 10,000 years old! We evolved from fish !
>>13404397 you keep referring to the egregore of the jews as god, you have bought their false god
the penis skin demanding egregore of the tanakh is not god
yahweh is not god
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
Quoted By: >>13404396 Reality replicates itself quite often. Another mystery of life.
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404398 As an amateur anthropologist, I'm privy to the concept that humanity is no more than ~4,500 years old. Any belief otherwise is surely too much of a reliance on "science".
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>>13404319 >semantics >shit cunt The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404400 Once again; it doesn't matter if you're circumcised or not. And YWHA is surely God, and you will wax worse and worse for believing otherwise. Every word ever given by YWHA has been fulfilled more than promised; whereas the words of the many gods of other mythologies are eroded into ash as time passes.
>>13404378 LOL.
Why is the clergy obsessed with fake things like god, the afterlife or global warming ?
>>13404402 Yah Bless you my brother. I was a hardcore Rockefeller textbook parakeet up until the last year or so. If people want to die by the big bang theory.... Don't you think it's possible a " earth planet" could of never stopped expanding?
The more I let go of my earthly ego, the weirder this shit gets
>>13404405 He probably sewed his mouth shut so he couldn't testify for touching those kids in court.
IMHO, it's so clear to me the NWO (JESUITS ZION ROYALS ETC) just took over, and are pretending they invented everything.
Maybe there are a few who know. Maybe this is a prison
>>13404404 >it doesn't matter if you're circumcised or not this is irrelevant to what i said
and it is no coincidence that the things the jews wrote come to fruition when there are literally billions giving devotion to their egregore and bound mythos
you are so blind
you dont understand gods or the metaphysical
you are under a golem spell
wake the fuck up
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404406 >>Rockefeller textbook parakeet Good insult lmao. I'll keep that one in the back of my head. And I'd love to see the look on a science onions-cuck's face to have them see into the future 200 years and see how much credence the "big bang" has then. Those who cannot remove themselves from the epitome of their times to see truth rather than lies paraded as truth are not worthy for anything, let alone truth.
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404408 What spell but God's can be described in the simple breath "you are under a spell". We both know the spell of which you speak. I've probably been on 4chan far longer than you, and I've seen every theory, narrative, and thought under the sun. I believe in every thought that has credence, in every god, in fact (for God himself says "Ye Gods"). You are under a spell of hatred; you still refuse to listen to what I SAY about those who call themselves Jews these days (a syngagogue of Satan).
The real tribe of Israel has been absorbed into the Christfold.
>>13404411 you keep referring to an egregore birthed by the jews as god
you have been fooled
you have bound yourself to the jews and their heritage and you cannot fathom reality outside of what these penis mutilating desert mongrels wrought
it is time to wake up
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404412 Tell me then, for all wight's fate, answer the asker till all he knows.
What God but God rules the seven heavens and hells and poles?
>>13404411 >What spell but God's can be described in the simple breath except that you're lying. You're interchanging the Semitic deity Yahweh ( יהוה ) with Godan ( ᚷᛟᛞᚨᚾ ). Yahweh is not the god of the Aryans, for example, but God ( ᚷᛟᛞ ) is.
The god of the Bible is known by the name of Yahweh ( יהוה ), not God ( ᚷᛟᛞ )
note the Jew worshipper's fallacy, interchanging the Semitic deity Yahweh ( יהוה ) with God ( ᚷᛟᛞ )
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>>13404413 >refers to jewish mythos to prove jewish mythos Anonymous
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>>13404269 That's cute
>Revelation 17:4,KJV: "And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:" Babylon wages war on babylon
>>13404414 lol and then this fag shows up out of nowhere!
doesnt Odin die from a Wolf Fenrir i believe his name is?
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
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>>13404414 ᚷᛟᛞᚨᚾ
You're making the same niggerish logical fallacy that the Muslims make, pretending that mere linguistic concepts can encapsulate the Godhead. God exists outside of words; words are a gift from God which you seem to be using quite poorly.
God is the proper english translated equivalent of Yahweh. Note the spiteful son of Satan's fallacy, interchanging word with word.
>>13404409 Checked. Pretty sure JLP is a freemason though. His interview they laugh about strippers, biggie and Tupac. Not even kiddin ... He also had a caller say his mason father dressed up as a pig with his fellow police officers and they all jacked off on him while he was on an alter. I'm 100% serious. Dunno if the caller was
>>13404410 >Try to send science atheist friend who loves evangelion anime about kabblah and he said it's not real... Fucking chump fucks hookers and got vaccinated. The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404417 Indeed he does. ᚷᛟᛞᚨᚾ, although he gives the gift of runes and wisdom to men, dies like a man.
>>13404146 >This book that was written by Jews and stars primarily Jewish characters disproves x about Jews You okay bro?
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404419 Checked equally. I appreciate JLP for his opinions on sluts and betas, the co-hosts of his podcasts and the callers he gets tend to be weird. I appreciate his vibe though.
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404421 The new testament was written by those who were persecuted, exiled, and executed by "Jews". You okay bro?
>>13404420 I know that I hung on a wind-rocked tree,
nine whole nights,
with a spear wounded, and to Odin offered,
myself to myself;
on that tree, of which no one knows
from what root it springs.
Bread no one gave me, nor a horn of drink,
downward I peered,
to runes applied myself, wailing learnt them,
then fell down thence.
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>>13404414 Not going to state anything other than this series is chill
>>13404419 homeboy is straight grabbin her titty
>>13404146 >literally a Jewish heresy >It's not a Jewish trick! I dunno senpai, but Islam and Mormonism at least seem more internally consistent with their nonsense.
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404425 Once walked, 'tis said, the green ways along,
mighty and ancient, a god most glorious;
strong and vigorous, striding, Rig.
Ever on he went in the middle of the way,
till he came to a house with door unclosed.
He entered straight; there was fire on the floor
and a hoary couple sitting by the hearth,
Great-grandfather and mother in ancient guise.
Well knew Rig how to give them counsel,
he sat him down in the middle of the floor,
with the home-folk twain upon either side.
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>>13404422 I like him too. I hope he's just retarded and ignorant about the masons, but I doubt it. Even liars tell the truth sometimes
>>13404423 Ffuuuuuck. Even got a Shriner clown on the album cover. Wishy gen x boomer dad would actually have the balls to listen to me when I try to tell him about this shit. Literally needs Howard Stern and Elmo to tell him it's safe to eat dinner with his unvaxxed son
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404429 Read the mormon scripture. It's acid fugue dreams 10x stranger than the scientologists which requires more jewish trickery to interpret "correctly" in modern form than anything the jews have ever come up with. The only reason Islam and Mormonism are slightly less reprehensible is because of the tightly coded civil laws which always seem to follow in their wake, yet Mormons have fallen a long way, and modern society in Utah is often more cucked than even California (everyone I've seen in Salt Lake City wears a mask).
>>13404424 all of the authors except luke were jews
both sides of this jewish sectarian split were jews
stop being dishonest
>>13404424 You mean people like Paul the Apostle, who was a literal Jew? You're such a rebel.
>>13404430 idk why reminds me of
Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404434 >>13404435 44 On the next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord. 45 When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy. They began to contradict what Paul was saying and heaped abuse on him.
46 Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly: “We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles. 47 For this is what the Lord has commanded us:
“‘I have made you[f] a light for the Gentiles,
that you[g] may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’[h]”
48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.
>>13404432 This guy is one of my favorite fucking Jews Mormon creator was a 32 degree mason and they killed him for sharing the blue blood lodge secrets
They say Jesus and Lucifer were brothers. And the magic underwear south park made fun of is actually a masonic apron equivalent
Mods / feds will probably 404 the thread soon. Enjoyed communing with you Men.
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
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>>13404436 Truly, truly, I say to you, enter at the straight gate, and make it wide behind you.
>>13404432 >Lives in a dying empire that is literally cucked to death >Passes judgements on somewhat viable societies lmao
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
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>>13404440 Sounds like someone who's never met a Mormon. They're like women; they've gone far beyond meekness into cuck territory. Anonymous
>>13404437 >Paul the Jew Apostle saying X cancels out the fact that he was a Jew You would sound much less retarded if you just owned the 100% historical fact that the Bible was both written by Jews and stars pretty much only Jewish characters. Seriously, name one verse that even mentions Britannia or Germania. Protip: You can't. Why can't you? Because it was written by desert Jews and then spread by Jewish subverts within Europe.
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
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>>13404446 i love these memes and whomever made them
>>13404437 and? both sides of this split are jewish
bringing gentiles into jewish religion doesnt meant the religion is not jewish and based on jewish heritage, mythos, and prophecy
how are you so dense?
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
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>>13404445 Romans 15:24
I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain, and to be helped on my journey there by you, once I have enjoyed your company for a while.
And I accuse you of the inverse. You ignore everything Paul says because he is a Jew, and ignore the fact that not only did the majority of disciples have HUGE problems SOLEY from the Jews, but you forget that the legend of Christ lives on in non-Jewish areas far beyond the bible. Read a transcription of the conversion of paganoids at the tree of life in Paderborn. Anonymous
>>13404414 A religious thread and the kike returns, right on time.
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
>>13404448 You contradict yourself. If Judaism is a sect of evildoers which passes down primarily through birth and genetics, then how are those who adopt to the genes of Christ "split" in any way from this pool?
Calling something that has nothing to do with Jews "jewish" doesn't make you sound smart, you seem like an autist who can't remove his hatred of Jews long enough to read something of a faith whose initial converts were MAINLY jews (though, not exclusively Jews. Jesus healed and preached to many pagans).
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
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>>13404450 Let him be. He contradicts himself many times and plays petty semantic games for limited aim, for his hatred blinds him to truth.
The Fate of anyone who rejects Christ
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>>13404441 Don't hate... Be aware, that makes them even more upset
>>13404442 Anonymous
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>>13404459 Every thread that shits on out pagan and/or Israeli shills gets removed.
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>>13404452 the root is jewish heritage
open your eyes