>>13427226>4, Being able to heal illnesses would literally make you a billionaire if you charge for your services. So it makes pill 9 and 6 (to a certain degree) moot.>>13427711>implying they didn't pick it to heal for profit...Well 4 opens you up to unscrupulous actors. You would get kidnapped and forced to use it against your will, or they'd run crazy experiments on you to figure out how your power works, or both.
I think 4 is only good if you maintain a low profile and use it very rarely and selectively for friends and family. But if you use 4 for profit, bad things will happen to you.
>>13427226>No point in changing things from the past unless you've done something really fucked up.Well what about if a family member got into an accident? Or what if you want to change something before you were born? I think 8 is pretty versatile. Unpredictable though.
>And I guess 5. Even it kind of makes the other choices redundant.I don't think so, it only kind of looks similar to 9.
5 doesn't give you 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, or 8. It would be easier to make money if you were super intelligent, but it doesn't guarantee unlimited money.
>>13427233Extremely good question. It's hard to answer because mental health is very subjective. For example, many argue ADHD is pathologized not because it's inherently a problem, but because it impedes on patients' compatability with society. And feelings like anxiety are perfectly normal physiological responses, but how much is "normal?" Does "perfect heatlh" mean zero anxiety? And how would you even measure anxiety? Someone might say this amount of cortisol or this amount of adrenaline or this heart rate for this amount of time, but aren't people's experiences of those things varied and subjective?
So I think I'd say no.