>>13429353MAGAZINES... free CDs in Magazines. Shareware. Mixes. Porno. Back then we didnt have websites... we had physical printed magazines which still hold up to day
i think i still see them in stores but why? i never see people reading them or see them at peeoples hows fucking weird they still exist
MIXTAPES, dub parties at friends places.We didnt share using napster and slsk and shit we used cassettes and we queued up our favorite tracks from each others CDs and Cassette collections. Some of us had elaborate setups where we can record multiple cassettes for one play through
it was trendy to throw out your vinyl and replace them with CDs back then. same with 8track, dead formats were trendy to replace (something I fucking regret)
ARCADES. Vibrant NPC filled spergtastic times. Mortal Kombat in my town had concerned karens trying to get the local family fun center shut down.
had friends banned from going to arcades by their moms. those dudes didnt grow up to be good people FYI
VIDEO STORES. Getting lost for HOURS. reading video cassette synopsis. renting NES games. We had a 5 cassettes or games for 5 days for 5 bucks deal back then.