>>13443614We just moved from Catskills to Florida.
People are rude, standoffish and cold. Unfriendly. No matter how much you wave, ask about the weather, buy from their local stores.
The weather is shit. Do you like being cold and damp all the time? The trees all over are dying, covered in mold and lecithin but not the ok for trees kind the kind that rots.
Snow stays all winter, get a plow or get used to shoveling and paying some yokel to let you out of your driveway when they feel like it.
That sun almost never shines. Never gets alive 78° basically. Water is always cold can go swim. Oh and tornadoes now happen upstate. Yep. Had one on our lawn, was the last straw.
Deer everyfuckingwhere. They carry covid, fun times. They also bring ticks with Lyme disease and eat your plants. I guess if you hunt that’s fun but shit blue state expect regulations even to fish.
Everything is far the fuck away, you’ll be spending more on gas than you want to with Bi Den in office. Forgot milk? Get ready for a 45 minute trip one way.
You’ll think you are alone at first. But it’s more populated that you think. Rich people buy up the big parcels, yokels own the rest. You can pay a pretty penny for a couple acres.
Wanna go more north? You’ll be in the hood with po blacks who riot and beat white peoples. More north, hello Canada/China.
People call soda pop. It is an abomination.
Cost of living isn’t cheaper than a city. But you get to drive for hours.
It is pretty for a month or two. In pictures. Night time can drop to 40s in fucking August.
Neighbors are nosey. They don’t like outsiders unless you are rich. They won’t say hi, but they will call the cops if you have a particularly loud fight with your wife.
People race all up and down route 17. So if you are into that, I guess, cool. But otherwise expect your life to be in danger as some BIPOC fucks used their corona bucks to soup up their cars and vroom vroom by. Troopers rarely give a shit.