I'd honestly say America is generally pretty accepting and even mostly minority areas are usually tolerant and peaceful towards white people. There are regions where you see lots of trump signs and stuff, but the only regions where people really openly talk about racist stuff is like really rural midwestern regions that are like 99% white. You do occasionally see some racially charged stuff in public, but not often, the most actual race stuff you see in america is probably growing up in public school, blacks, whites and immigrants totally form their own enclaves. Other than that though and like segregated neighborhoods, I feel like most adults are generally pretty accepting of all race, actually white people will casually say racist stuff to you sometimes especially in rural regions, but nothing serious I feel like. As far as xenophobia goes most americans love foreign tourists, love european immigrants and stuff, but lots of americans hate mexican immigrants. In towns with imported african immigrants lots of people hate those immigrants, theres always a good portion of people who hate the immigrants in their particular region. I've never really been to the southeast other than florida so I probably haven't experienced real racial conflict, but I have been pretty much everywhere else. And as far as asians go I've never seen any legitimate racism towards asians in the USA, everyone loves asians What are your experiences with racism and xenophobia in your country or the USA?