>>13452405>>13452406since when did the discussion become "murder"?
the point has to do with violent crime
men commit more arson by far
men commit more armed robbery by far
men commit more assault by far
men commit more battery by far
men commit more rape by far
men commit more child sexual abuse by far
even in nonviolent crime, men are extremely predisposed to crimes:
men commit more fraud by far
men commit more larceny by far
men commit more scams by far
men commit more drug-related crimes by far
men commit more tax evasion by far
men commit more blackmail by far
men commit more embezzlement by far
why is this? Even if I were to grant you that abortion is murder (which is isn't), and that your statistics were valid about women committing "25-50 times more murder" in that case (they wouldn't), that does not account for all of the other crimes that men commit, demonstrably and objectively, at a far higher rate than women
what explains this, besides that men are simply more likely to be criminals, innately, due to their gender?
You will ignore this comment, because you cannot refute it and it blows a massive hole in your statistics-based argument. Or more accurately, it affirms your argument, but forces you to face uncomfortable truths about yourself.