Suburbs are a miserable fucking ponzi scheme. Developers convince municipalities to let them build them, they'll even pave the roads, the municipality just has to maintain the utilities afterwards and gets lots of property taxes! Sounds great, right? Sure, except that no one dares to raise property taxes far enough to actually cover all the upkeep, so the municipality is faced with debt as soon as they have to start renovating roads and pipes and power lines after twenty or so years, so what are they forced to do? Exactly, approve more suburbs for additional property tax income. It's a never ending spiral. And the only people who profit are the developers who get to sell horrendous drywall shacks to poor sods who just want a place of their own and have to tie themselves into several decades of bank payments for it. And because the road layout is a complete shit show for the sake of "privacy" you're now forced to drive everywhere because nothing is walkable anymore, so you never meet people on the street and don't maintain healthy social relations and an interest in the well being of your fellow man anymore, and because everyone has to drive everywhere everyone wants to pick up large quantities of groceries at a time so they don't have to make multiple trips a week, so now the big box store national chains move into the nearest commercial zone and the independently owned stores die out, and your kids slowly become fatter and fatter because you have to drive them to sports practice and everywhere else because places are too far and too dangerous to walk or bicycle to because other Karens might run them over driving their own kids everywhere, and eventually the only way to retain your will to live is to chug opioids.