>>13462997Nicene Trinitarianism is ridiculous. At least other forms of Trinitarianism can make sense, but the only one considered "orthodox" is absurd and rejected by many verses.
I'll focus on one conception of Nicene Trinitarianism that is blatantly untrue: co-equality. It is contradicted in Jesus' incarnation with John 14:28. A universally true statement, but some could claim that is only appears to Jesus in his pre-glorified form. 1 Corinthians 15:28 comes from the ropes and slams that idea into the ground: Jesus' *eternal* state is in subjection to his Father, for he is lesser than the Father, and is only, for a time, given privilege to stand in place of God.
Another one I love is 1 Timothy 2:5. This is probably one of the best places for anyone in the Bible to incite the concept of Jesus's supposed God-nature, for who wouldn't be better for a mediation between God and mankind than the only supposed God-man in existence? And yet, Paul emphasizes Jesus' humanity, ignoring his Godness. [because Jesus is not God, so there's nothing for Paul to bring up!]
The Holy Spirit is a fun one too, to claim it as a distinct person from the Father. Unfortunately underrated in the Unitarian argument. Riddle me this. The gospel accounts consistent mention that the conception was of Holy Spirit. And yet the Holy Spirit is never identified as the Father of Jesus Christ. [in spite of being the one that inseminated Mary!?] This is no problem because the Holy Spirit is not a distinct person, but simply a "part" of the One True God, our Father.
Trinitarianism is a glass house, which only stands if you refuse to look at it critically. The only thing it has is to threaten you with hellfire if you deny it and exit the apostate church.
If you want to know the truth, look into the work of the Concordant Publishing Concern, and also learn the truth concerning the problem of evil, the evangel of Paul, the full impact of the cross for all of humanity, and the sovereignty of God.