>>13465648I feel out of place. There's no place lonelier than a crowd of people with whom you can't talk your heart out. As is said, "it's darkest under the lamp". I've got Paul Robeson-type convictions, it makes it hard to find like-minded people. I'm not a communist, not even in the classic sense; to me, Robeson's views could by described as Humanism, but I cannot use that label, because flaming neoliberal homofaggotrannies made it their label. I cannot say that I am a communist that believes in nation-states and voluntary association / free living, because I'll get call a nazbol or anarchist or whatever red-black meme exists next. I believe trannyism is unnatural and sustained by propaganda only. I could call upon church teachings as the backing of my views, but I'll be called a christcuck and I'll have to come to terms with the current Pope being a gay-tolerator and Westboro Baptist Church existing. I renounce all of the above, and I'll be called a libertarian.
I'm a /SIG/fag at my core, but I believe that a black man can be educated and have empathy, a heart and a drive to build, and with that view on /pol/, I'll get the "Built" meme folder thrown at me.
>>13465649t. STEMfag from a family where the mother headed a pioneer chapter and the father sold his wikipedia biography to the Party for unrestricted career growth. While my parents aren't unironic communists, I waited until I was out of the house to get baptized. Just to be on the safe side. Never could reconcile my belief in free will with the non-existence of deities. Then again, I never accepted the idea the be-all-end-all of existence is a set of probabilities. I take my mechanics very Newtonian-ly. In the end, I feel more uncomfortable denying God than being ridiculous for being an electronics man with a religious leaning, and I'm not even doing Pascal's Wager.
>>13465664A bizarre situation. Looks like a hypothetical rather than a reality.