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The Omega Pill, are you worthy?

No.13466732 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
You already know that EVERY Human being on EARTH is a hybrid of two different species. All non blacks being composed of around 98% Homo Sapien, and about 2% Neanderthal. Negroids are a scant 85% Homo Sapien, and 15% Homo Erectus, far from anything one would call a "Human" But what happened to pure Homo Sapiens? Well, they keep to themselves, Jacob Rothschild is 100% Homo Sapiens, along with a small handful of trillionaire Ultra-Elites, so powerful and valued that they're completely unknown to the public. This is who rules the planet. This is the final redpill. You and I are mongrel chimeras who simply live here, the planet itself belongs to The Homo Sapiens.