>>13538649>>13538651>>13538657>>13538661>>13538753I've never had an issue with all Indians smelling bad, and I've lived with Indians my whole life. But I notice that anyone who is poor, or has very weird cultural practices, is likely to smell bad. I've noticed that many Asians in general who come to America have some trouble understanding hygiene and whatnot. For example, I've had Chinese friends with bad breath and body odor, as well as Indian friends who smell like curry, and even hispanic friends who smell bad.
There are also a lot of examples of white people who smell like absolute DOG SHIT but of course whitey gets angry when you bring it up. On twitter there are so many stories from blacks, hispanics, and asians talking about how bad whites smell, especially in the rain. A lot of whites don't even shower daily, especially the women, because "washing your hair every day is bad".
The times I've been to India, I've noticed that Indians are pretty obsessed with bathing and being clean, probably because they are aware of their own problems with sanitation.