>>13541317Church I grew up in is like this video now. They can't get a real minister because you need the equivalent of a 4-year BA + 2 years of MDiv, and no normal person is going to invest in 6 years of post-secondary for 52k a year and no pension. They end up getting lunatic ageing homosexual men and very fat 40-something childless women with a lot of student debt. Anyway, Ric, no K, in June he put out the pride flag. Fine. Then he put out more pride flags in July. August he put out the 14 colour or so one and surrounded it with pride flags. Now September is Reconciliation Month. We have no natives in this town. They can't afford to live here because we exploit them ruthlessly. The church is covered in these Every Child Matters banners and he's put 20 signs or more along the driveway with the same campaign logo, one every foot thereabouts. Average turnout is apparently like 15 people, average age north of 75. The church is looking to sell half their property for condos to buy them some time. And this is the story of the Canadian mainline protestant church the end.