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Guys. Life is a fucking trip.
To preface this story I want to let you know that I’m my dad’s condo complex there are a shit-ton of stray cats just walking around. They usually come around dark and whenever I see one I always try to call to it so I can pet one, so far to no avail. This is relevant. Anyways~
>be me
>just get back from working all day with step-dad, it was a pretty chill day. We both just worked on the computer and watched Squid Game together.
>just finished episode 6 when we decided to call in for the day. Left off on episode 7.
Again, also relevant.
>as he drops me off at my dad’s condo complex, I figured I’d turn in for the night.
>enter condo
>look to my right
>see skateboard
>last minute I figured It’d feel really good to do some skating before bed.
>the usual groove, headphones, etc.
>have a nice skate
>head back, and see this absolutely beautiful and adorable red-headed girl. She seriously looked like a model.
>she’s surrounded by all the stray cats, she’s just in the middle of them as they all gather around her asking to be pet.
>I’m dumbfounded, because I’ve been trying to pet these cats for months and here she is just getting swarmed by them as she peacefully attempts to tend to all of them the best she can. It felt like a scene out of a movie.
>”Yo!! How are you doing that?!” I exclaim
>she gets a little bit startled and is taken aback, as if I caught her doing something wrong.
>I keep trying to pet the cats and they all keep avoiding me like a plague.
>she giggles, and tries to help me pet the cats by attracting them to her and then letting me get close.
>it kinda works, but they all end up scampering off.
>we end up talking about the cats
>one thing leads to another and now we’re just talking about our school careers, our plans for life, our fears about growing up, general deep things, our resentment of the public school system.
(Btw I graduated Highschool 2020 but she’s still in it.)
To preface this story I want to let you know that I’m my dad’s condo complex there are a shit-ton of stray cats just walking around. They usually come around dark and whenever I see one I always try to call to it so I can pet one, so far to no avail. This is relevant. Anyways~
>be me
>just get back from working all day with step-dad, it was a pretty chill day. We both just worked on the computer and watched Squid Game together.
>just finished episode 6 when we decided to call in for the day. Left off on episode 7.
Again, also relevant.
>as he drops me off at my dad’s condo complex, I figured I’d turn in for the night.
>enter condo
>look to my right
>see skateboard
>last minute I figured It’d feel really good to do some skating before bed.
>the usual groove, headphones, etc.
>have a nice skate
>head back, and see this absolutely beautiful and adorable red-headed girl. She seriously looked like a model.
>she’s surrounded by all the stray cats, she’s just in the middle of them as they all gather around her asking to be pet.
>I’m dumbfounded, because I’ve been trying to pet these cats for months and here she is just getting swarmed by them as she peacefully attempts to tend to all of them the best she can. It felt like a scene out of a movie.
>”Yo!! How are you doing that?!” I exclaim
>she gets a little bit startled and is taken aback, as if I caught her doing something wrong.
>I keep trying to pet the cats and they all keep avoiding me like a plague.
>she giggles, and tries to help me pet the cats by attracting them to her and then letting me get close.
>it kinda works, but they all end up scampering off.
>we end up talking about the cats
>one thing leads to another and now we’re just talking about our school careers, our plans for life, our fears about growing up, general deep things, our resentment of the public school system.
(Btw I graduated Highschool 2020 but she’s still in it.)