>>13562582>The sun's path in the sky.In the summer, the sun's path is high. It goes almost directly overhead in the US and Europe.
In the winter, it's much lower in the sky, much further off center. This is because of the Earth's tilt on its axis.
On the Flat Earth model, most of you claim the sun simply makes a smaller circle during summer in the northern hemisphere, thereby covering more of the north and causing winter in the southern hemisphere.
The problem here, and it's a really big problem, is that, in summer, the sun would have to travel slower in the sky in order for days to remain 24 hours. Then as the circle grows wider for our winter months, it would have to travel faster in order to cover the same distance in the same 24 hours.
This doesn't happen. The sun always moves 15 degrees per hour, no matter where you are on Earth. It never speeds up, or slows down. It never changes shape or size, as it would have to in the flat Earth model. It's always the same sun, and we can fully predict exactly where it's going to be at any future point using the Globe model. And it's always right.
Flat Earth has no working model that can make predictions. They actually steal the globe model and try to make it fit onto their incorrect model, after the globe scientists did all the work. There is no use for the flat Earth model in any field, and it has never predicted an eclipse. The globe model can predict any eclipse that will happen for the next 10,000 years with perfect accuracy. There has never been an eclipse that didn't happen as predicted. Why not try to predict one with your flat Earth model? Would you even know where to begin?
Do you feel that odd sensation in your brain? That's called COPE