To wit, I saw something on the internet yesterday that made me think that the father of that woman from Walgreen's is Jacob666 from Daisy's Destruction. They have some system they have constructed for themselves, one based around the non-existant position of that woman Helene in the court of the king of Babylon, in which they set themselves up on some pedastal so that they are above people such as the father of the subject of that video. I will not continue that policy, however. I will cast him down with his peers and I will make very plainly obvious the lies by which he and his ilk have convinced people that they are up here with me instead of down there with them. I will go far out of my way, even so far as to the extent of great personal inconvenience, to make a mockery of the notion that those people weren't down in the filth with everyone else all along.
So, now, Romero, if that is your brother, then what should you do?